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Thanks for the extensive feedback!  I'm going to take all of it into account, but I'll answer the Unity stuff specifically

I'm glad you like the architecture - if you played an early version you'd have seen the grey lumps that were my first attempts at making the town (you can still see one at the town gate) - and I ended up buying assets to try to make the game not look awful :)

The sim part introduction will come back!

The can't be penetrated again bug is one I thought I'd fixed!  I'll look at it again.

That detailed loss state will return (instead of the current implementation where...the game just sort of stops :( )

The 40% became 30% so it wasn't quite as big a risk after someone else's feedback, but I've also made it so patrons can change it to whatever they like.

Hopefully saving will come back soon - the game's getting enough content it's worth me figuring out save/load systems soon (and the systems are more and more in place, so it wouldn't be an extra ongoing task to update it as much)

Yes it doesn't :( I need to fix that.  No free kittens.

Oh found the mimic already!  That's a rare event, you either got lucky or you've played quite a bit!  Frustrating that the combat didn't happen - did it just hang, or could you keep exploring without fighting?

You can already customise the character's hair, starting outfit, and skin!

I need the game to be a bit more successful before I can really do breast/hip customisation, because they multiply the number of art assets I need to pay for.

End state screen is coming! (actually multiple screens I think)

Church stuff is coming - they will be how you remove curses, but also there will be some plot there.

I'll think about increased chance per load, but at the moment I think it'll stick at 30% (I want it to feel risky, but you can get lucky, rather than an inevitable doom).
There are also monsters with special traits about how likely they are to breed you, and if you get a special tattoo the chance of someone breeding you goes up...