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perilous words

A member registered Sep 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ooops!  That's an easy fix!  I'll sort that for the next version, which should be out in a couple of days :D

Hey!  I've fixed the problem and uploaded a version where the buttons appear properly.  If you're interested I rearranged the order of calls when entering a map space to let me do a little more complex things that I needed for the banquet plot (spoilers?) and that ended up ignoring option buttons sometimes because I didn't think it through properly.

Hey!  The Apes were actually inspired by someone I talked to with a massive planet of the apes thing! Goblins are still around - and in the next couple of updates I'm planning on introducing more variety of foes.

Argh :( I'm sorry that must have been super frustrating. I'm fixing it now, I'll have an update out as soon as I find where that's gone wrong!

Thanks very much for letting me know

Yeah, she has to decide if it's worth trying to escape, or fighting at a disadvantage!

Hey!  I'm glad you like it :)

Restrained currently should reduce your max to hit chance by 10, and increase enemy max attack chances by 10 (the minimum attack chance is half the max, so if a goblin can grab a naked heroine with a 40% hit chance max normally, if she's restrained then the max chance goes to 50% and the minimum to 25%, so every grab attack from that monster will be between those chances.

Ha! And I was going to write about being ordered to kneel and how that works, but I checked the code and ... you're right. It does currently does nothing, you can safely be ordered to kneel and just...stay there kneeling, it doesn't affect your chances in the fight.  My bad!

I've finally found the bug that was stopping enemies loading - an overambitious if statement that was meant to display text when you first enter a location AND load the combat was not doing its job reliably.
Thanks so much for the report!  I'm uploading a fixed version now :)

Thanks for the comment and the bug reports <3

The last "combat not loading" was because the mimic was using the description file for a different monster, which didn't have a description for one of the mimic's moves, so it crashed.

I can't find why the troll cave might be failing now! It's the first quest I made, and it's super basic. I'll have a look.

Fight club was a quest to test a bunch of additional features I added to the code - moving the player around the map, offering different options that change how the map works, etc. I'll look at that one too, but it might be a more complex fix...

As to your Side note: This game started as a Twine game, before the complexity of what I wanted to do started getting out of hand in an engine intended for CYOA stuff. So I taught myself Unity + C# so I could remake it. The previous version was text only, and had a couple of features that aren't in this one yet (mainly the companion you could hire who would fight with you and get corrupted by monsters) but the new version has almost all the features that one had, and will have definitely more content when I'm finished with the current update.

Thanks for the extensive feedback!  I'm going to take all of it into account, but I'll answer the Unity stuff specifically

I'm glad you like the architecture - if you played an early version you'd have seen the grey lumps that were my first attempts at making the town (you can still see one at the town gate) - and I ended up buying assets to try to make the game not look awful :)

The sim part introduction will come back!

The can't be penetrated again bug is one I thought I'd fixed!  I'll look at it again.

That detailed loss state will return (instead of the current implementation where...the game just sort of stops :( )

The 40% became 30% so it wasn't quite as big a risk after someone else's feedback, but I've also made it so patrons can change it to whatever they like.

Hopefully saving will come back soon - the game's getting enough content it's worth me figuring out save/load systems soon (and the systems are more and more in place, so it wouldn't be an extra ongoing task to update it as much)

Yes it doesn't :( I need to fix that.  No free kittens.

Oh found the mimic already!  That's a rare event, you either got lucky or you've played quite a bit!  Frustrating that the combat didn't happen - did it just hang, or could you keep exploring without fighting?

You can already customise the character's hair, starting outfit, and skin!

I need the game to be a bit more successful before I can really do breast/hip customisation, because they multiply the number of art assets I need to pay for.

End state screen is coming! (actually multiple screens I think)

Church stuff is coming - they will be how you remove curses, but also there will be some plot there.

I'll think about increased chance per load, but at the moment I think it'll stick at 30% (I want it to feel risky, but you can get lucky, rather than an inevitable doom).
There are also monsters with special traits about how likely they are to breed you, and if you get a special tattoo the chance of someone breeding you goes up...

Ah yeah, got it - I'm trying to keep the text extensive, but it definitely isn't the same as reading a book.

1) woop!

1 again) It does for me!
2) It does for me!
These are annoying because if something works for me and not for a specific person it's quite hard to work out why!  Next release is soon, let me know if they are still broken for you in that one.
3) They would! And they are on my list -  I'll add them sometime soon(ish).
4) :( I'll check this and fix it if I can

Oh no!  I worked so hard on the new one :D
Honestly the text one was so difficult to add content to, it was getting to be a nightmare to write. The new one already has things I couldn't even dream of doing in the old version.

If you let me know what it was you preferred about the old version I can try to add those things in. Or if you just liked the simplicity I can...apologise?

Oh no!  Well first of all why can't you play it?  I obviously have to fix that.

Second I think I understand, I'll look in to it.

1) Fixed!  Somehow a script got lost...
2) I think what happened is you got unlucky, and there isn't a game end screen yet!  It's coming!
3) Ah, I was hoping the icon would be enough...I'll think about best ways to fix that.
4) The whole combat screen is lined up for a rework sometime, but that might be a little while until there's more content. I'll see about making the name plates a little bigger in the mean time - but this will get better better sometime.
5) 1) Fixed!  The log now holds 30 lines, not 10.
      2) That's a good idea - I'll see what I can do
     3) Yes, I'll add that :)
6) 1) Fixed
     2) Fixed
     3) Fixed I think
7) Going back to the bar where I got the quest still works for me, are you sure it doesn't work
8) Fixed
9) Fixed
10) I think this one goes on the backburner for now - it needs a fiddly bit of coding 
11) I've made it a bit bigger and more obvious
12) The next version will have a start screen with some pre-game options on it (name your heroine! Hooray!), and an options screen that allows you to quit/restart the game if you want to, without having to hard reset.

Thanks for all the feedback!!!

1) Yes, I think I'll adjust that down - it was the only way to lose (and it's still the only end game condition) so it needed to be a bit risky, but I think as more content goes in it can dilute that a bit.

2) They can, but as a starting heroine you aren't corrupt enough yet to let them... there are some conditions you can acquire in the game that unlock these actions for monsters

3) I'm going to focus on more stuff rather than coming back and fixing this - my main problem with it is that it should OBVIOUSLY count if you choose to go full naked, but it doesn't (because the game doens't recognise you having the topless condition... :(  Still, I'll get back to it sometime.

4) That's a good idea, I might come back and add that.

5) Am doing!

6) Yeah, that's on the list - I want enough stuff to be worth save/load first though!

7) Although there's some choices you can make to willingly submit, in combat it's going to happen through monsters successfully ordering you, rather than a "give up" button or an option to be sexually aggressive.

8) Can you explain more?  I'm not sure what you're saying?

Thanks so much, and good to see you again!

1) I've fixed the menu fonts I hope - should be more legible. I experimented with a few, and got gradually less fancy and more readable.

2) You can now get new quests without having to leave/reenter the guild.

3) Weird!  Can you give me any more info?  I used to have this problem but I fixed it before I released.

4) At the moment you should be able to see the attack type (slash/stab/etc) and those will be the ones listed in the inventory for the weapon.

5) There's an arrow that appears after you win the fight - is it too small, or not appearing to you?

6) The way this currently works is a monster needs a valid target, which must be either your pussy if you're turned on enough, or your mouth or ass if you've got accustomed to letting monsters use those.  They also can't already be being used by a monster. The monster doesn't know if those things are true, so they'll plan to finger, and if successful but there is no valid target you'll get the message that the monster couldn't find anywhere to do that action.

It won't offer anything new just yet - I've been working on learning to code properly so I can make my own engine that isn't as limited as trying to make it all work in Twine. So very shortly there'll be a new version, but story wise it won't really have more than the game has already

Thanks!  I found that it got harder and harder to keep on top of the bugs while programming in a system meant for branching path adventures! I really appreciate the bug reports, and also I decided to fix them up in a more drastic way...

What resolution speed are you using?  That'll help me narrow it down :)

It isn't, and I can't work out why that should be. Once the combat starts it treats him as a troll (it just sets him up in a more specific way on the adventure).

How did it not work?  You bashed him and he still got moves?

Should be fixed!

Wow! I think that's been a bug since slavemasters were in the game!  I think it should be fixed now, thank you!

Another release with a few updates - I couldn't find all the reported bugs though :(  Hopefully this is fun :)

I checked through the code as closely as I could and I can't work this out. I'll try again after I sleep

I can't reproduce this - on my version it only shows that if you are "helpless exhibitionist" and "naked"

Scratch that :( 0% it's fixed, still trying...

That should only happen if you have "helpless exhibitionist" and "naked" at the start of a combat round.  You have "helpless exhibitionist", but not naked, and I can't work out why you're getting that text!

I think I've found it, 80% it's fixed!

Bug, but an easy one!  Fixed now :)

Fixed!  Thank you

Thank you!

1) Fixed - Mara wasn't targeting properly
2) Fixed - I had to delete the combat desc for flaming weapon, because technical reasons meant the code would trip over the space in "flaming weapon". But it was still looking for that description.

3) That's intended - you can't strike back in such a helpless position.  If that feels too shitty, let me know - at the moment it's not a bug though.

4) Fixed - it was giving you the dagger but not updating

5) Augh!  That's my fault, not even a bug just missing some creative writing.  Nagas Thugs and Bandits should all have descriptions now.

6) I can't find what this could be. Do you remember more about what it was?

7) Fixed!

Thanks again :)

Thank you!  I have figured this one out I think, it was introduced by fixing another bug

It'll update immediately as of next version

Could you tell me which fight you lost before this happened?

I think I've finally tracked it down!  Thank you!

My guess is that you found a way to be set up in Ambush - the condition list would have had Ambush written there.  That doubles your attacks on the first round of combat.  Does that make sense?

Yeah - this is part of the same problem, the next version will have content beyond the first Hamtier quest, which will reset what happens if you lose back to the default (training which can get you welcoming mouth and cursed collar, among others) where at the moment it stays with the last story quest where if you lose you get the Hamtier training scenes.

And it's fixed :)

annnd thanks to your report monsters now have the proper chance, instead of failing when they shouldn't.

Sad times for folk who liked monsters with epic stamina :D

Kneeling!  thank you :)

Ah, fixed it - it wasn't deleting the "topless" condition when it forced you to wear the cursed item. Should work next release