did u know, that in my language "Luna" means "moon"? funny. hey, just read my nonsense below. pls.
ok, created this acc only to leave the comment for u, cari. played this game since 0.3, when war wasn't in progress. sorry for my political comment(only 1 sec, continue reading), I'm from Russia and I hate my country, u know. don't wanna live here. so, because of these "actions" of "my most favourite country" i can't buy the game or I can't donate to u... sorry, but I've played 0.4 downloaded it for free. I didn't want to do it, I just can't buy it. I'll donate u a lot, if I can... If my student's 50$ count, xd. oh... I started it not for monologue like this, lol. I just wanna say that I love your game so much and it so happened that tomorrow I'll kill myself :). no doubt that this game was the best single-player game that I've played since all my life. u may think that I'm pathetic, weak. but... hey, cari, I love your game and goodbye. (BTW, my actions, which I described at the end, do not border on your game. all events just coincided. I'm glad I found out about this game and about you.) soooooo, see ya, I guess. how even I can say "goodbye" for the first and for the last time at the same time? :)) oke, see ya in eternum, one time.
Yes, as DaShakes said, we all can go through some terrible moments in our lives, and even if it seems that things won’t get better ever again, they will. They always do, trust me.
Sorry to hear that you’re in such a bad moment, remember that there are always alternatives and people who can help you.
Take care, man
A day ago, I returned from a mental hospital, spent more than 4 months there - from the day the post above was written. I hope that I am healthy, but the scars on my body and on my heart will remain forever. But I'm alive. And I will live. Thank you all for the comments!
So... now I can play new version of your game, yeah? Life is full of pluses. I'm sorry about my previous post.
I usually try to avoid any political comments, but this one is too tragic, so I had to create an account as well, just to reply to this comment. However, I am somewhat reluctant to continue the political part of it, which is, unfortunately, the biggest part of my thoughts. So, dear Caribdis, I would like to ask your permission to do that.
In the meantime I will just say that I hope you will be fine. I do understand your feelings, I had similar thoughts (about suicide) in February, but I just moved on, even though devastated for some time. There are things worth living for, even if it does not seem so. That is what kept (and still keeps) me alive.
Stay safe, mate
Edit: It has been a couple of hours now since my reply, and I now realized that talking about politics would be wrong, so I am not doing it. I just hope you will be fine. That is all that matters now.
Look, I was suicidal for a while, and I just have to tell you that even though it seems it won't get better, it will. I don't like talking about this part of my life but it feels worth it if I can help someone else. I had it bad, maybe not as bad as you, maybe worse, we'll never know. But for a while I was very close to just ending it. And now, about 2 years later, I'm so glad I didn't. No matter how bad it seems. it probably feels like it can't get better, that there's no way. But trust me, there is. You have to try and create change, and then, you just have to be patient. Whether it takes 5 years, ten years, or just a month, things can and will change. Unexpected things happen, whether It's for the better or worse only time will tell, but change always comes. It feels weird saying this, but... hang in there, with time things will change, and If you feel you are about to do it, please, please call a suicide hotline (495 625 3101) (I'm not sure if that one works bcs I'm not from Russia but it might (https://www.therapyroute.com/article/suicide-hotlines-and-crisis-lines-in-russia)) You matter, even if you don't think so.
Please, please live, for the people around you, for the things you might create or enjoy in the future, please live. because, if you can make the world just a little bit better, that's worth hanging on to.
That's so true! Although... one day has passed. I just pray he was cracking an unfunny joke, here's for hoping. If he didn't take what you all said into consideration, we might have lost a friend. Sometimes, even the comment section of itch.io makes me concerned for the commentors. Everything will be alright, it's God's plan, everything becomes alright in the end, no matter how distant the end of the path may look (or close, for this..). Except for some people... people who've commited atrocious sins, not this guy, though. Just don't think about those topics... try and find the light in Russia's darkness, find a hobby, something you like or might like to do, and the money? Least of anybody's worries. It was uploaded for free in this 'ere website. Not donating doesn't mean you're a bad guy. Donating just means you showing your respect in a different way. Just.. pull through. Everything becomes better, all in due time, son. All in due time. (And this comment was directed to vamiss, not you, MoonDream! No offense.) Just remember, all in due time.
Привет. Я из Украины. Во-первых, хочу сказать огромное спасибо за твою позицию. Во-вторых, надеюсь то, что ты написал, было просто глупой шуткой. Если же нет, и ты не сделал то, о чем говорил, то послушай. Меня за последние 7 месяцев очень часто посещала мысль о самоубийстве. Но я этого не сделал, и ты не должен. Я не знаю, какая у тебя причина, но пойми, что оно того не стоит. Жизнь - самое важное, что тебе дано. У многих людей ее забрали, некоторые не могут вести полноценную жизнь из-за рака, инвалидности, паралича и тд. Они бы многое отдали, чтобв иметь ее. Так что не нужно просто выбрасывать жизнь ни за что. Надеюсь, ты прислушаешся к моим словам. Тебе может помочь это: https://www.therapyroute.com/article/suicide-hotlines-and-crisis-lines-in-russia