I'm loving this game so far. I don't know how far in I am, but I have about 2/5 of the secret hamsters. I recently restarted the game because I was worried one of the characters was evil and pursuing a relationship with her would hurt other characters. But I'm not sure if that's true or not.
Some VNs are very deterministic, with routes you can follow. Answering one thing early on may lock you into a route. For instance, flirting with Aki gives you more content with Aki (Not saying I think she's the evil one.)
But other VNs are more expressive, where your responses determine only what you see and don't stop you from seeing things down the line. The choices are there to help you get invested in the plot and avoid content you don't care about.
Mainly, I'm looking forward to shacking up in the woods with Kana especially (Kagome may come too) and I don't want to do anything that would be a deal breaker for her.
Which kind of VN is this? Can I pursue all content as I wish without replaying, or will I need to replay to actually see everything?