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A member registered Aug 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Love to hear (well, read) it!

The font is perfectly legible and most definitely not "almost impossible to read".

Heh. Not sorry about the cliffhanger but sorry that you had to suffer, I guess. :P

Thank you for your kind words, mate! Very nice to read. :)

At some point, yeah. At the very latest, once the game is finished. Most likely not before that point, though.

Hey there, mate. Thanks for your kind words!

The game will most likely only get translated once it's complete, seeing as that seems to be the most sensible approach to me. I might change my mind on this and hire a professional translator before that, but as it currently stands, there are no plans for it.

It seems like I missed updating one of the old links. It's fixed now and shall release with the public version in a few hours.
Thanks for letting me know.

For some reason almost no one had expected that. All the better for me, though lol

The talk with Kana is gonna be an interesting time for sure. Not looking forward to telling her about Suzu and the others at all lol.

Hi there! Sorry for the late reply.

First of all, thank you so much for your kind words! I'd, of course, appreciate any kind of support you can give, too. Thanks for even considering it. :)

As for the length of days, I can't give an exact estimate. The current content goes up to Day 12, Tuesday, in the late afternoon. The current day should finish during v0.39. Generally, days range from 3-6 updates in length, with me trying to decrease the number of updates after things have gotten a bit out of hand in that regard. I hope this answers your question sufficiently. :)

No worries, mate! This kind of positive feedback does wonders for my motivation, so I don't mind reading through even the longest of messages. And sorry for distracting you from collecting rodents. :P

Hey there. The mystery person is Tsubaki and you can only access her message if you got her number earlier in the story. 

There is no Spanish version, I'm afraid. I don't speak Spanish myself and I won't commission any official translations before the game is complete. Sorry, mate.

Hey, thanks a lot.

Next update will be out for public within the month (can't give an exact date yet because I don't have one yet). It'll be out two weeks earlier for high tier patrons, too.

Yes, I did make Miko, as well as all the other characters. Glad you like her :)

Maybe, yeah. Could very well end up being just one or two years instead, though. All depends on where I end the story, seeing as there is an earlier and a later point where I could do so. We'll see how I feel about things when we get to the earlier point. :)

Wow, that's quite the feedback. Thanks for your in-depth comment and the kind words, mate! And sorry for the late reply, life has kept me busy lately.

One part in particular I want to address is the aftermath of what happened with Mana and Hina. I know it's been a while since the last update with either of them, but keep in mind that that's mostly due to the time scale of the game. In-game, only two days have passed since we first met Hina and reunited her with Mana. There will absolutely be more content with both of them, but for the story's sake, I wanted to give them some time with just each other (and Reina), to properly acclimate to their new life. I felt like it would've been strange for Hina and especially Mana to just go back to normal day-to-day business, despite everything they went through. Mana, for example, hasn't been back to school yet, either.

I appreciate hearing about your thoughts. :)

Heh, sorry about that, mate. Next one's almost ready, though, so you won't have to wait that much longer :P

Glad you enjoyed last update, though! :)

Thanks, mate, I appreciate that! :)

Not sure yet. I'm roughly aiming for 9-ish, but it might very well end up being less or more.

Thanks, mate! Sorry for the late reply, life has been busy lately. I truly appreciate your comment, though. :)

The frequency of foreshadowing naturally decreases the further the game develops, seeing as Ren (and thus the player) uncovers more and more secrets. There will always be at least a few things, but never as much as in the first chapter.
Other things (like the one with Daishi you correctly pointed out) take a long time to get addressed, too, since they're either low-priority, extremely important, or dependent on a slow build-up.
The Daishi one, for example, is one of those that need the slow build-up. It's already been "addressed" a few times since when it was first mentioned, albeit not in a direct way. You'll see what I mean when everything gets unveiled eventually. :P

Thanks for your kind words, mate :)

There's something like that already in the game. Not exactly with a week number but at least the day number is being displayed on the phone. And since the math of dividing by 7 isn't that hard, I don't really see much of a reason to add a week number - especially since a week number doesn't have any inherent value in CH.

Yeah, sorry about that. Pregnancy is just not up my alley — both as a kink and a concept/state lol
That being said, I truly appreciate your comment. Thank you for your kind words.

You're so right, I should've made meeting her optional. It's not like she's pivotal to the story or anything.

Thanks, mate! Enjoy :)

A marvelous idea :P

Get me access to something that allows me to stay awake 24/7 (not cocaine) and I'll gladly make the updates longer :P

Glad you enjoyed the update!

Heh, yeah, you're right. It's still a bit annoying to slip up like that, but it'll be fine.

Thanks, mate. :)

You're welcome. I'm glad it could be of help :)

Yeah, the hamster is indeed a bit unfortunate. Didn't occur to me at all while adding it, to be honest, but I've moved it a bit further back since. Once next update's out, I'm going to adjust it a little more, as well.

In hindsight, it probably would have been good to not have the hamster image show Nene's revealed form at all. But well.. that's hindsight for you, eh?

Glad you enjoyed the update, mate. Next one's coming along nicely already, so stay tuned for that. :P

Hey there!

Hard to say what exactly went wrong there, but someone on the Discord had a similar error earlier. The solution for him was to unpack the game into a fresh location/folder and then launch it from there (i.e. not use the update-only patch). Give that a try and see if it works.
Alternatively, you could check the autosaves. They should still work, and there should be one from the end of last update in there.

If neither of these things work, let me know and we'll see what we can do. I'll check back in here in a bit, to see if you've replied. Or, you could join the Discord and see if you catch me there. Gonna be on there for a bit longer before I head off for the day.
(And even if I'm not on, there might be others there who can help you when you post in the bug-reports channel)

Yeah, right? I mean, getting someone's blessing is nice and all, but often times people act like it's somewhat paramount to the foundation of whatever kind of relationship is being formed. Ultimately these things are between the two (or more) involved parties, though. Ain't nobody else's business. Well, unless one of the involved parties makes it someone else's business, of course, but.. yeah. You get what I'm saying.

Jiro is great at ruining things. Also at being sneaky and attacking out of left field. :P

Heya. Thanks a lot for the kind words!

You're right, "crucifix" isn't exactly the right term, but I chose it deliberately, despite that fact.
Jesus doesn't exist in the world of CH*, so the crucifix in this world can't be depicting Jesus crucified. Instead, in CH lore, the Church's crucifix is a symbol for converging paths of sacrifice and faith.

On top of that, the term "crucifix" has a way closer tie to vampires in various pieces of vampire mythology than the term "cross" does, seeing as the cross itself is (usually) only considered harmful to vampires while in the context of Christianity, whereas the crucifix always is considered harmful due to its inherent link to Christianity. And, frankly, I personally think "crucifix" just sounds better and more impactful than "cross".

As for the notification stuff for the hamsters.. I'll think about it. You're the first person to tell me that the notifications are too subtle, so I have to assume that most people are fine with them as they are (or just don't care enough to mention it). Now, if I were to make them more obvious, on the other hand, I'm sure I'd get people saying that they are too distracting or something like that, instead.
What I potentially could do is to give the player options for the notification's style, even though I honestly don't think it's the best way to spend my time, seeing as it'd take away from the development of actual content.
Now, that being said, though, I'll probably still do it, since I enjoy this kinda work and it shouldn't take away too much time. I just can't promise when and how I'm going to implement it, seeing as the hamsters themselves are already just an "extra" feature of CH, and thus this addition is very low priority.

Thanks again for your kind words, though, and have a nice day, too!

No Jesus in CH = crucifix in CH has no Jesus on it
Notifications will probably see a change at some point, but no clue when due to low priority

*(Not 100% true, but for reasons, I'll leave it at that)

Hi there! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy CH.

I'm also going to assume that your comment was made from a position of ignorant consumerism and not actual criticism:

I would love to give you longer updates, but my days only have 24 hours, too. Seeing as the updates release on a roughly monthly basis, 30 minutes is the best I can (currently) do without compromising the quality. It may not seem like it, but making this stuff takes time if you want it to be any good. (And between you and me, I'm already putting out a lot more content than the majority of my colleagues, so there's that, too.)

I get where you're coming from with the hint system, but that's kinda like asking for a built-in aimbot in Counter Strike - yeah, it'd ensure that you get the best outcome from any session/playthrough, but it'd also take away any sense of achievement tied to the game. Granted, the comparison is a bit lackluster, seeing as Counter Strike is competitive and CH isn't (as well as a few other factors) but I think you get what I'm saying.

On top of being unnecessary, would adding a hint system like that take a considerable amount of time, which - in turn - would detract from the time I could spend on making actual content for the game, further enhancing the "issue" of the first point of your comment: The more time I spend on adding peripheral features like that, the shorter (or further apart) the actual updates will be.

While I, as a player of other AVN myself, absolutely feel your plight of wanting more content and not wanting to miss anything due to making "wrong" decisions in games, I, as the dev of CH, am also just a single person and can only do so much without risking burnout - in which case there wouldn't be anymore content at all.

Hopefully you'll understand where I'm coming from and that I'm doing my best. Either way, though, I hope you'll keep enjoying CH.

Again, no. Sorry.

You're right, of course. No matter if it was the actual reason for the error messages you got, knowing about the case sensitivity stuff is an improvement. I'll definitely keep that in mind going forward and make doubly sure to not change any file name casing halfway through. So, thanks for teaching me about that. :)

About the error itself: Don't worry about it too much - these things happen. Maybe something got jumbled while unzipping the patch, who knows.
The important part is that it's fixed now and works. :)

Hi there.
Generally I don't use the same name and/or change any file's casing along the way.
That being said, I indeed didn't know about the case sensitivity in Unix-like systems, so naturally I never was too careful about file name casing, beyond my general inclination to keep things somewhat clean.

Could you tell me what files the error was about? Cause, when looking at the collection of files from last update, I don't see any that I have changed the casing of.

Assuming I'm not missing anything, there might be a different reason for said error - so, in the spirit of covering multiple bases at once: Did you use the update-only patch or the full update? And if it was the latter, did you unzip it into a new location or did you overwrite your previous installation of CH?

Hmm, alright. Let me know, should something like this come up again. Glad you're enjoying the game, mate. Have fun going through again. :)

Actually, no, I didn't know FotA when I started making CH. 13th and I met through the Discord. :)

Heh, alright. Glad you enjoy the hamster hunt as a whole. :)

Love the rating.

Yeah, a warning for the button might be a good idea. I'll see that I add that for next update. Also, there sadly isn't an easy way to "fix" this. Best thing I can offer is to create some sort of reset button for the hamsters in general (something I'll likely do anyway) and to send you a fix for this issue in particular, if you tell me which hamsters it were that you accidentally unlocked. There sadly isn't something as simple as an "undo" button or something like that.

Ah. It seems like I forgot to add the instructions to the dev log this time. Mea culpa.

To install the update-only patch, unzip the contents of the zip file to your current CH root folder (where the .exe file is) and tell it to overwrite when prompted.

Beware: It only works from the last version to this one, meaning your current version needs to be at least v0.34.0 for the update-only patch to work.

No Spanish, sorry