Hiii~ Glad to see you hard at work!
Now, let's start with the usual:
1. In Forest Nighwatch there is a "'something(can't see because of the bush)sprite3' not found." message after you open the puzzle door.
2. Losing a fight(or surrendering) against a werewolf in Forest Nightwatch breaks the game: character model dissapears and you can't move, reloading is the only way back
3. You can defeat the Scarecrow by flirting with it though the text implies that you shouldn't be able to
4. When Scarecrow expands it increases its Max HP by 80 but only for the rest of a battle not the game.
5. You can flirt with the Landshark while it is burrowing underground
6 If 5 is unintentional then, theoretically, running out of mana and consumables softlocks you in the fight if Landshark burrows, as you can't interact with it and can't skip a turn by casting spells or using something from your backpack, so the only choice is to escape(though it may fail and you still have a chance until it burrow again) or surrender
7. When you overkill an enemy sometimes text and actual HP losses don't match though I did not see any pattern to its occuring
I think that is all!