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I loved it! The atmosphere, the suspense, the art style, the writing... excellent from start to finish. The sound design really helps to immerse yourself in the story. How many endings are there? I've got two endings so far (a bad and a good one). 

Only one negative point: the "fast" option speeds up all dialogue, even the unread one. It can be quite annoying when you want to play again and read the other ends.

Apart from that, congratulations! This is very good. I've read a good amount of VN during this jam, and this one is definitely one of my favorite. 

(1 edit)

Thank you for the review!

There are 6 different endings; 3 bad and 3 good ones, divided by who (if any) you meet in the ending scene.

So sorry about that faster than light "fast" option. I'll see that fixed in the future projects.

Pleased to hear you enjoyed the experience so much! Cheers!