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A member registered Feb 24, 2019

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Do you plan to publish your game on steam? 

Thank you! And thanks for creating this nice game!

It was a very pleasant ride. I got two different endings (the bad one and the normal one) but despite my efforts I can't reach the 3th one. Any tip please? :)

Thanks :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the translation. I'm reading it but I don't understand how to save the game. Could you help?

edit: I found it. For those who wonder, you access the menu by pressing the mouse middle button.

Thanks a lot! Ok, the scene makes sense and is there to serve the story. It's not gratuitous or pure sadism, so it's something I can stomach. I will be able to read it, thank you very much. I'll leave a review here as soon as it's done. And sorry for my clumsy english but it's not my first language, and even if I can read it perfectly, I write like a 5 years old child XD See you!

I loved it! The atmosphere, the suspense, the art style, the writing... excellent from start to finish. The sound design really helps to immerse yourself in the story. How many endings are there? I've got two endings so far (a bad and a good one). 

Only one negative point: the "fast" option speeds up all dialogue, even the unread one. It can be quite annoying when you want to play again and read the other ends.

Apart from that, congratulations! This is very good. I've read a good amount of VN during this jam, and this one is definitely one of my favorite. 

Hello, I would like to read this VN and rate it for the jam, but even if I can read very violent and scary stories, I am particulary sensitive regarding animal cruelty. Could you spoil what happens exactly (with animals XD), so I can see if I am able to stomach this. Thanks (and sorry^^).

Amazing! I have read a good amount of VN from this jam but this one is my favorite at the moment. The art is stunning, the atmosphere is deliciously chilly and the characters feel real. The animated backrounds add life to the scenery, and I love the app interactive system. I feel for Petra, and even for the "antagonist", that means you portrayed your characters well. Well done, max rating ;)

Sorry for the clumsy english, it's not my first language.

Very nice. The last choice has been very difficult for me, but I wanted to see the end, so... I did it and... ouch.

I really enjoyed this! The concept is interesting, and the art is gorgeous. Well done!

The concept seems promising and the writing is very good. But yes, in this state, the ending is unsatisfactory because it happens too quickly so the conclusion has no impact . I'll definitely read the final product because the basic idea is good, and the writing very neat.

Hello again. Yes, visual novels and interactive novels usually offer the option of returning to the previous sentence/text/paragraph (usually with the mouse wheel). It is not mandatory of course (especially if it is difficult to implement), but it offers a better reading comfort. As an avid visual novel reader I can tell I use this option quite often. We use it for exemple to check information or details given earlier in the story, etc.

BTW I really looove the art, did you made it? It has some Otto Dix's vibes, it's beautiful and disturbing at the same time. This is perfect for this kind of story. It was as if the characters and the world were distorted through the eyes of the disurbed protagonist.

Sorry if my english is a bit awkward, but it's not my first langage^^

I loved the story, the tension and the atmosphere. The writing is neat and the art is gorgeous. the only flaws in my eyes are the lack of backround music ans the impossibility to save/quit/return to the last sentence. Thanks for this nice story, and keep the good work!

(3 edits)

Lovely game, very well written. I got Will good ending and I enjoyed it so much that I am reluctant to read another route XD 

I like all the backround and explanations about what it is to be a gost (the obsession, the emotions that can be dangerous, etc.)

However, I am French and I couldn't help but notice some mistakes in the sentences pronounced by Sister Agnes:

*"Ouvre la porte! Je sais que tu EST dedans!": the verb is mispelled ("est" is for the third person singular. The second person should be "es"), and the last word is a bit akward. It would be correct to write it like this instead: "Ouvre la porte! Je sais que tu es à l'intérieur!"

*"Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe les enfants? Pourquoi criez-vous?": "crier" in french doesn't mean "to cry", but "to shout". To cry="pleurer". So, the correct sentence would be "Pourquoi pleurez-vous?".

Sorry to point out these errors, but when you are french, those are quite immersion breaking. But I know how it is difficult to write in a foreign langage, my english is very akward^^

Apart from this, congratulation, this was a very pleasant story.

Ah! Thanks! Found it. I didn't notice this file. Interesting. The subversion of the unease meter is clever indeed, and now I know where elf forest comes from (when I was reading GF simulator, I checked the light novel's title and author on the internet to have more informations because I thought it might be a real thing XD). Is All the Words She Wrote a dark story too? I'm not really into fluff, exept if it's deep enough, and not fluff for the sake of fluff, that's why I ask. I was planning to read The Mermaid of Zennor in the near future. See you ;)

It was a very pleasant ride. I liked the atmosphere and the writing is very good, as expected from you ;) You know how to make the reader empathise with your characters, and that's something I particulary enjoy in your works (in those I read).

I feel confused however, reading the comments: readers are talking about a password but, even if I reached the good ending on my second try, I've never came across the possibility of entering any pasword. Did I miss something?

BTW I recently purchased and read Salome's kiss on steam and I loved it (this could be my favourite vn I've read from you), even if I guessed the twist very early in the novel^^ But I'll try to add a review on steam, here is not the right place). 

Sorry for the bad english, I'm still french, and I'm still rusty XD

Sorry if my english is clumsy, it's not my first langage.

I have the game on steam. The writing is very neat and I enjoyed most of the routes (I only have to read Erna and Marlon's routes yet). 

I especially liked Darius' route (well paced, credible and very emotional). I liked Jeremy's and Estelle too. Morally speaking, I couldn't get into the Master's route but I could enjoy it netherless. However, I think that Killian's route is too quickly paced to be really engaging: romantic feelings happen too fast, before we have time to know the character well. Imho this is the weakest route of the game. I like most of the side character too, like Oswald, Clarence en Dana.

Good job! I'll check your other game in the future.

However I can't reach the ending called "conscious choice". In the walkthrough, it is said to choose death in the Master's route but I can't find the option. When is this choice proposed?

(1 edit)

The game seems promising. Unfortunatelly, as the save button didn't seem to work (and there is no fast forward option) I couldn't progress very far. It's a shame because I really wanted to read Yuki and Mako routes. Am I doing it wrong?

EDIT: I've just finished Yuki route (in one go) and enjoyed it. However, I wish I could have been able to save  :(

Hi mate, I downloaded your game as soon as I received the notification XD I knew I would not be disappointed because I enjoyed every game you wrote. But this one was... awesome, certainly one of your best creations. The writing is perfect, the pacing, the mystery, the multiple points of view... everything works wonderfully well and makes this work remarkable.

I like the heroine and the mixture of strength and weakness that makes her up. Her flaws are very human, which makes her a believable and endearing character. Her issues are depicted in a very realistic way and I feel for her.

I didn't manage to care for Aki though (I'm sorry). I understand why Leah cares for him but... I couldn't. 

I really prefer Doyle despite his faults and his issues. Maybe because those flaws make him very human and credible. 







Maybe because I can understand why a person starving for attention and love would act the way he acts.

The two relationships are toxic for Leah: 

- her relationship with Aki is toxic because she is sinking into her disillusionment and mental illness, refusing to face the painfull truth,

- her relationship with Doyle is toxic for obvious reasons. But I like dysfonctionnal relationships in fiction, especially when the LI is caring/protective but has some yandere vibes XD

I havn't reach all the endings yet (but I unlocked the point of view of Doyle and enjoyed it a lot^^).

Thanks for this beautiful work. See you soon sweetie!

Hello. I purchased the game today on itchio but I can't see any link to redeem the steam key on the download page, is it normal? Thanks

Hello. Does the purchase on itchio come with a steam key?

(1 edit)

This was an enjoying ride. Osario is my favorite LI (I love scholars, and I love smart LI with low self-esteem issues). His story is touching and I think he is the character that has the most interesting evolution.

I created an entry on vndb to reference this game.

(1 edit)

This was a very fun ride^^ A bit short, but very pleasant. I hesitated a lot between Castor and Castora, but I picked Castor in the end (he is sooo cute^^).

The parody of otome games was very entertaining, and Castor was... well... bewitching XD

Technically, everything was perfect: the art, the animations, the transitions.... Well done.

I must admit you are the one who made me love the yandere trope ^^


EDIT: Oh and I loooove Castor's priest outfit <3

Hi! This was a very pleasant ride :) I reached two different endings and I'm going to try other paths to see different outcomes. 

I read some comments on the "female version" and it seems you are not very proud of this VN. I know it's difficult to be judge of our own work, but let me tell you that you underestimate your talent. I've read a lot of VN, and only enjoyed about 20% of them. I read three of your VN and I've never been disappointed. Believe in you ;)

I'm sorry I havn't reply to your post on solipsism reigns yet (do you remember? i'm the french girl) but life has been crazy those last days. I'll reply soon.

Keep on the good work. Love.

(1 edit)

Sorry, my english might seem a bit awkward but it is not my first langage. 

I've played lots of VN but I'm not usually into otome games (unfortunatelly those tends to be too cliché and not credible enough for my tastes). I must say I didn't know I'd enjoyed the yandere trope so much before I played your game^^ This was a good surprise.

I enjoyed the concept of your game and I liked Kuro a lot (he was not just a stupid trope but a real fleshed out character). He made me blush as much as he scared me. I think it's a good thing because it means you portrayed him in a credible way, and the character fulfilled his purpose.

As a  writer myself I know that feedbacks can be very usefull and I think that it's a shame that indies creators receive too few of them. Because some works would deserve more support. I think you deserve to know that your VN is good and enjoyable.

The writing is nice, the story kept me interested until the end, the sprites are beautifull even if sometimes the different styles don't match very well with each other (not sure my sentence means something lol). 

I would personally have prefered to see the same sprite (one for kuro and one for the MC) with just a different hairstyle and outfit in each scenario for more immersion (and because it would have been more coherent with the ending). I'm curious to know why you chose different sprites (I don't want to spoil anything, but I think you see what I mean ^^).

Finally, I have only two majors complaints. I can't express the first one without spoiling the whole thing, so... I shall not write it here (if you want we could chat about it somewhere else).
I think you are not responsible for the second one (it's certainly the engine's fault) but even if I have a very good pc the game is very long to start. I don't really mind, but I think it's worth mentioning. 

Anyway... I enjoyed the ride a lot. I came for the horror elements and I ended in love with a yandere ;)

My favorite route was the detective route. I can explain why in more details if you want. My fav Kuro was the one during the detective one too, and during the princess one (I mean the personnality, because my fav design was the student route Kuro he he). My fav side character was Isabelle from the detective route too (I wish I could have kissed her instead of you know who)^^ Ah and my fav MC... hum... I'm not sure, i enjoyed them all except the MC in the student route (she's a bit dense lol) and the one in the gamer route (even if I enjoyed this route a lot. This scenario is very well built).

Have you ever considered publishing this game on steam? It would give you faaaaar more visibility, especially if you add few trophies (for ex one trophy per bad end. It's quite easy to do this with steam). 

If you have difficulties to find female voice actors for the other versions of your game, or even for this one (I might be wrong but I think rabbit has a male voice althought she is a girl? Maybe you didn't find an actress) I could give you a hand (or my vocal chords in this case). I have a mezzo-soprano voice, but you must know that I have a french accent ;) so I'm not sure if I can help.

Have a nice day, keep on the good work and don't forget to dream ;)