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I feel like "save often and to different save slots" might mean different things to different people, because I've run out of save slots but apparently the campaign is only just beginning lol. 


Wahaha, it does mean different things to different people. It was meant to warn people who save on one single slot and then find out a choice they made 5 minutes ago had such a terrible outcome they want to go back.

The warning was really only intended for those who usually save to one slot only!


For some reason I can't seem my creator so its kind of a pain to move in game, I have try to exit the game and reload to last save but it says that way. (My last save was of me not being able to see creator.)

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Invisible character? Oof, that could be a lot of things, unfortunately, even a few dropped frames can occasionally lead to weird graphical glitches if they happen at a bad time... at what part of the game are you?

If you're in an outside area and you have a "Horn of Detrius" in your inventory try using that and see if that fixes it. Or if you can get to a bed try sleeping. both of those have calls that should reset your appearance.

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Its all good now it kind of just fix it self, my guess it had something to do with the traveling using the portal. Like after you raze a town and can no longer use it, but choice to go there anyways, in this case it was the last town in the game. Right now replaying the game with the good guy end or what ever you like to call it. Also great game only wise there was more spells to damage with and of cores a longer game but other then that its really dam good. So if by chance you ever feel like making a squeal to the game I would like to help some how.

Oh dear, that does sound like a bit of a glitch indeed. That might actually be an oversight on my part (I didn't test the final stretch of the 'evil' route quite as well as I should. I'll definitely look into that!

As for a sequel, I want to do that (And I also want to remake this one in a better engine with more content and better graphics) but I simply don't have the time or budget for it anymore. If the ever changes in the future. Perhaps!

Only thing I can think of to make it doable if that is the case is giving to work load to others, who maybe willing to help, and to make up the cost put a small price for downloading the game. Other wise like I said its okay if it can't be done the game is really good.