Yeah, that's what I had to do, it doesn't cover everything, so I pretty much had to extract, recompile, ignore the errors, then replace the files in the old version and hope nothing broke, it was not enjoyable!
Kayako Amaya (Rin)
Creator of
Recent community posts
Although I sadly lost access to some of the development files for this game, I decided to put out a small update. This, likely final, update fixes the last few small bugs I was able to work on (Some out-of bounds issues and a soft-lock) As well as replacing some placeholder art that should have been replaced years ago.
I'd like to thank Wispy Vee for the cute new monster girl entries!
I also rewrote some of the more childish dialogue (Some of which was written when I was a literal kid)
This is sadly as much as I can do right now given the limited access I have to the project data, I hope I can consider this the final release!
Unfortunately, having lost contact with my artist for several months... I no longer have the money or resources to start anew, nor can I find any artists who can imitate her work and whose services I can afford.
As such, I have to face the music. I will be discontinuing the project indefinitely... I'm sorry to those who have been waiting... But I have been at wit's end and see no other way.
I wish it could have been different.
I'm tired... Depressed... and just want to rest...
It's perfectly understandable that such things ruin your immersion with the game or cause frustration!
The moving bodies is not you missing any content, it's sadly an engine limitation issue... What happens is, if you exit a room, the bodies end up where the creature/person stood when they were alive, rather than where you killed them. Most games made in the engine get around that by simply not having corpses, or removing them when you exit a room, but for my game that would not have sufficed.
To get the effect working where you can walk under/through some walls, I have to also reset room object positions upon loading a save.
Unfortunately nothing I can do about that, but I understand if it's too much to want to keep playing! Thanks for giving the game a try!
Ehehe, I don't think my work is quite at the level I can ask money for it, lacking the confidence and the people skills... I know I can't do it alone and my experiences with hiring help is that unless I nag them (Sometimes even if I do) they don't deliver their part, and I can't rely on help to stick with me to the end...
I am glad you enjoyed this little passion project though! Thank you for your kind words!
Oh you playing on the "abstract nonsense" difficulty? you could probably grind a level or two on the roombas, but the most important thing would be to be sure to stun her whenever she charges.
Or get the weapon upgrade and destroy the dominator before she powers up that far! It's doable!
The "tough cookie" consumable also helps by boosting your defense.
Ah yeah, that's 'fight' is harder the higher your corruption is.
You need to body-block the lights, each of which does about 15% of your health in damage to you and lowers your corruption slightly.
You may need to heal up using herbs and such from your inventory between hits
Make sure the wisps don't hit the other person (If they do it does 50% of your health in damage)
The event ends when you hit 0 corruption
I'm glad to hear that at least parts of the game are enjoyable to you, and sorry for the ones that aren't, Sadly I reinstalled my PC a while back (My system was randomly crashing) and lost access to the project files in doing so. An auto-run feature would have likely been hard to implement in the old engine regardless!
I probably can't help with the brightness, but pressing alt+enter makes the game full=screen which can help a little on that front!
Oh wow, thank you, a message like this was just what I needed right now. I'm so glad you enjoyed my silly little game as you did! I don't even know where to be gin to address everything you said but just, thank you,
I won't take credit for the UI, while I made some slight alterations to more fit my preferences, the engine I used for the most part came with them, still I am glad my changed didn't detract from them at least!
As for the characters, I'm glad you found them likeable! I wanted their personalities to be as different as I could get. And it's good to see that Malayna was received exactly as intended, I didn't want to make it seem like the game condoned her initial behaviour!
As for the luck-based critique, yeah I may still have had too much of that, I tried to dial it back somewhat (For example, enemies not being able to critical hit you on normal, and the player landing 95+% of their hits instead of like 50%) but I feel like I could have still done better there. And probably will in future projects if I ever get the time to work on these again!
All said though, thank you for showing the game your love, it makes me very glad that I pushed through and didn't give up on it!
Oh dear, that does sound like a bit of a glitch indeed. That might actually be an oversight on my part (I didn't test the final stretch of the 'evil' route quite as well as I should. I'll definitely look into that!
As for a sequel, I want to do that (And I also want to remake this one in a better engine with more content and better graphics) but I simply don't have the time or budget for it anymore. If the ever changes in the future. Perhaps!
Invisible character? Oof, that could be a lot of things, unfortunately, even a few dropped frames can occasionally lead to weird graphical glitches if they happen at a bad time... at what part of the game are you?
If you're in an outside area and you have a "Horn of Detrius" in your inventory try using that and see if that fixes it. Or if you can get to a bed try sleeping. both of those have calls that should reset your appearance.
Ah, that's extremely generous, And thank you but. I wouldn't feel right taking that when I am still otherwise occupied! I had a donation page for the game for a while. (I removed it because after 2 years without donations and only 10% of my goal reached it felt embarrassingly desperate.. Eheehe..) As it stands I feel obliged to finish my other projects first! Maybe once this project is done I'll start a gofundme or a patreon for a sequel in a better engine,
Maybe even a more competent remake of the first now I have the skill.
Were it not for the other projects I had going, I would say yes, But I have a track record to keep. That of finishing any project I announce and keeping my promises!
I'm sorry. There were plans for it, but this game took me around 8 years (And well over 3000 dollars) to make, which is something I can no longer afford. It was also stressful, very stressful!
Maybe if by some miracle this or my current project somehow gains enough popularity that I can risk trying to do gamedev for a living. But otherwise my current project (Which doesn't have much in common with this one) will sadly by my last. If I ever finish it.
My apologies!
I'm sorry for taking longer to reply! I lost access to my account for a bit. 'Corrupting' Rilliane is an 'Easter egg' more than anything. You need to obtain the "Necromancer's staff" and force her to wear that. Note that doing so will harm your relationship with her. But she will subsequently be less affected by further relationship losses. She will only remain in that state as long as she has the staff equipped. (It can later be upgraded)
Most likely your corruption value or your friendship value with Malayna! As far as I could tell the bug couldn't occur unless you were in angelic form. And also shouldn't be able to occur if you were locked into a relationship with Malayna.
That said though it's been so long since I made all this it's hard to tell for sure now. Looking back on scripting I did 5+ years ago is a mess. Wahaha.
Wahaha. Don't sell yourself so low. anything made by one person will seem 'sloppy' to the creator!
As for Riliane, there is in fact more to her but that's hidden behind an Easter egg (As that whole hidden quest-line is pretty much fanfiction and I was a little embarrassed to make it easy to find) You will have to have conquered the town of Arowar and found a certain key in the nearby graveyard to open a very specific door in the city.
The blue and red balls are merely symbolism. Referring to the duality of Angels and Demons. And how they are much the same.
Thanks again for playing! I hope I managed to fix the most outrageous of errors by now!
Thank you for those still playing my game! Seeing as the project hasn't been forgotten yet I made some more fixes, they are as follows:
- The scene before the battle of Grunwal should no longer loop if Major Alphonse is the only remaining ally.
- Player should no longer remain invisible after razing the city and leaving to the south.
- Candy Cane supreme (Christmas event weapon) should no longer force the wearer into unarmed stance.
- Equipping a normal weapon after having had candy canes equipped should revert all characters back to normal.
Any bugs that remain I wasn't able to find and/or replicate. My apologies.
Thank you all for 2021 downloads!