I get what you mean. Especially since I'm a dumbass that chose to go for a sex build. However; it is actually manageable. you just have to use positioning more. Take time to set up and save before fights. You can direct followers to specific spots and then tell them to wait. For example, in Cecily's rescue quest, you can have her and her manservant wait in the room she was captive in, holding a V position at the doorway. Adding yourself into the picture makes for a death box that you can kite enemies into. Also, If you can use traps, DO. Traps make me really wish I wasn't stubbornly all in on my build.
Overall, the combat just takes a different approach. I think a better gripe is the AI pathing, especially in areas that reinforce after a period of being discovered. There's nothing more frustrating as watching a woman crawl back and forth between two spots for a minute during the countdown for an impending swathe of death and worse.
Edit: Oh, and to actually answer your question. I'm not someone that knows for sure, but I dug around and couldn't find any turn-based or pause mod. There aren't really many mods at all, as far as I can see. Again though, not the person to provide a definitive answer. All I can do is provide advice on how to make progress despite the challenging combat.