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(1 edit) (+1)

Your stills are absolutely gorgeous. The character designs are very good too... One aspect that needs a revamp is the writing. There is no easy way to say it, but it's not good. Very cliché, almost confusing at times. I had to stop playing when you talked about the cyborg having her period (like all women warm.... wet....)
Serious re-write needed. I didn't even make it past the intro. It was very stilted dialogue....
Please take this as constructive criticism


Thanks, for you review of our work. 

Every review is count for us. We know we have some thing thats need to improve - everyone has.

About Lilith charracter the thing is she's not 100% cyborg(she still a human by 67%) and she still has her female features... This is the feature of Lilith charracter.

It's sadly that you stop playing. Hope you will comeback soon.