yes of course, thank you it's always nice to have constructive discussions :)
my advice is to put it on steam right away, it's the first game it doesn't matter if it will be dead from the start ..
I don't expect anything special to happen when it is on steam, I am just very curious and also a little satisfied on a personal level.
it will also take some additional work and a month if it is your first time, so if you have the material to create the shop page (trailer and screenshot) you can put it as "coming soon" or "autumn", it will already be shown in the shop and you can analyze the data, start promoting it and get wishlists etc ..
I consider the fee I paid to put it there as the price to pay to see the whole process, from 0 to released, then analyze the data obtained and improve the things I can improve for future projects, I can read anything of what it happened to other people etc, but there are too many variables and only experience will really teach me something :)