Visually stunning entry! My only complaints are with the gameplay:
- Both the player and the zombies are too fast. There were often times I lost track of where the player was because they scurried almost out of the camera frame, plus it was hard to stop exactly on top of the corpses to pick them up. The zombies should be a good bit slower than the player too.
- Maybe it's just because any Unreal game runs at like 5 frames a second on my computer, but I could barely ever land a shot unless I stood still. This lead to the game becoming a constant unenjoyable cycle of running away from the zombies while failing to shoot them, failing to pick up the corpses, wasting ammo, only spending money on ammo, wasting that again, never getting above 5 gold the entire game, and dying.
Other than me being bad at the game and not enjoying it, great game!