Ghost Crane Incident is a single page follow up to Ghost Tiger Incident: easily one of my favorite scenarios for FIST.
The scenario is contained in a single jpg, with redacted and unredacted versions.
Unlike Ghost Tiger, which is a tense showdown with a haunted tank, Ghost Crane has much more of a GI Joe energy. It's big and bombastic and operates on its own internal logic. A necromancer and a bunch of cybersamurai are trying to steal nukes and the necromancer can summon ghost planes.
If you like big setpiece fights, this will definitely produce that. It's also kind of a great cold open for a campaign if you want to emphasize more of a Venture Brothers tone for your FIST game.
You may want to skip this unless you do a lot of narrative setup if your FIST games are more somber and grounded.
Overall, the thing that shines about this scenario is its wild escalation. If you like high-octane gameplay and seat-of-your-pants-ing it as a GM, Ghost Crane is absolutely worth a look.