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This one-page scenario about fighting a cyber samurai for a nuclear payload has a lot going on, which is bound to make for an action-packed session. As others have noted, I particularly liked the redacted vs unredacted version. And the map is a nice touch! I could see someone opening a game session by telling their players, “Your team is scrambled at the last minute. After an eleventh-hour flight, you find yourself in a dingy headed shoreward. Someone tosses you this briefing packet as you shove off.”

I was able to read the info about the planes, but I had to zoom way in with my image program. The small images and font choice did make it a little hard for me to parse some of the info. Also, I don’t know if this was a typo or intentional, but the rest of PFC Chuck W’s name is just a string of squares and superscript numbers in my version.

My largest criticism is that the table allows for you to roll 19 different planes (and one supernatural fail, which would be a lot of fun to see occur), but the scenario only provides for two different types of enemy aircraft: fighters and bombers. The plane descriptions include notes like “single seater fighter” and dive vs torpedo bomber. I realize the scenario is working against a one-page constraint, but it would have been nice to see this info incorporated into the plane stat blocks (e.g., different damage effects, different tactics for the players to contend with).

I realized that my original comment won't show up  on the non-jam project page, so I'm going to repost it there so it will be a public endorsement.