Nice job with this! At first I wasn't sure if there were two separate beings -- ones that you log in your journal and ones that attack you -- but I worked out over time the difference between sneaking up on them and confronting them, which was great and worked well. The mechanics worked well and the pursuit/attack by the zombies was dangerous but fair. The darkness added a nice feeling of suspense; when I tried turning up the light it definitely changed the vibe!
Some hopefully helpful feedback: I did get softlocked on one occasion and had to exit out of the game. I don't remember which room it was (not the one where you recharge the skull), but I climbed the stack of boxes near the entrance, where the ceiling was right above my head, and I was stuck. Separately, I did get the instructions on the journal and reloading the skull from the big guy (so it worked as you intended), but I did have a feeling at the time like that info would be better presented in the earlier talk with him. I also didn't realize there was a sprint in this game until I saw it in someone else's comment, so instruction on that would be good, too (or maybe I missed it somewhere?).
Smooth gameplay, great work!