This game exudes a lot of cool retro-horror atmosphere but it needs work. You need to change how crouch works. Having to hold down the L CTRL whilst using WASD for movement... Well you all must be very young with youthful hands. Plus, didn't really see how it did much anway, beyond make you slower -- it needs to factor in to how the player is detected by enemies.
The combat needs work. Picking up and throwing bottles at the enemies seemed to do nothing. I tried throwing them to distract the undead, that did nothing. I know there is a knife, but didn't find it. I think by default you need some kind of attack, even if it is just to push enemies away from you. I also think that the enemies spot you too easily. This says to me that it should be a horror-stealth game, as you are a weaker character, on their own, evading enemies in the dark. But, you can't do that at the moment due to the AI.
I think this is a cool looking game, just think more work needs to be done to make the gameplay match.