I could look into it for a future update (whenever that’ll be) but someone would have to draw those sprites first.
This requires a few animations:
- Idle
- Being held in hands of other player (optional)
- Looking upwards
- Running
- Looking upwards while running
- Jumping (moving upwards)
- Falling (moving downwards)
- Ducking (holding down, no movement)
- Crouching (holding down and moving)
- Hanging on something (like edge of block, or wall with gloves)
- Duck-to-hang transition (over the corner of a block)
- Climbing a ladder
- Climbing a rope upwards
- Climbing a rope downwards
- Pushing a block
- Attacking
- "Whoa" (showing when standing on an edge of a block)
- Bouncing while stunned/dead
- Dead on the ground
- Stunned on the ground
- Stunned/dead, flying left
- Stunned/dead, flying right
- Stunned/dead, falling
- Entering a door
- Waiting while being used as a damsel style (optional)
- Kissing (damsel)
- Yelling (damsel)
- Being eaten by a plant.
You can look at existing sprites using YYTextureView.
Spelunky 2 has pixel renditions of skins but it’s just a single frame for UI - no animations.
Currently you have /style
with 3 default animations and a very poorly drawn “cube with legs” that I made in 2013. Default (spelunker) style can be customized via /color