This is a nice concept! (By the way, found your game out of interest for Bevy. ;))
Funnily enough, I lost against Alice (who cheated once too?? Not sure what happened, she said something about an ‘error’ at some point), then stupidly lost in just some moves to Carl, then did beat Carl (who cheated once) at my next (and first real :p) attempt.
The variation on chess as ‘semi-chess’ is interesting too; I noticed the two players have non-coincidental bishops! :)
The whole pseudo-Cockney(?) renaming thing also got a laugh from me, especially when Alice snapped a nasty ‘chockmate’ at me . XD (Which is ironic since I suspect you are French, which does not give this accent at all. J’en sais quelque chose, des compatriotes ont fait saigner mes chastes oreilles. :p)
Thanks for the clever game!