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Okay, so, to start off with: I am genuinely amazed with how fuckin' long this first update is; 6-7 hours of content. I'm just blown away by that.

Now onto the actual review portion: The art is well drawn, all the characters are well-fleshed out, and the story kept me intrigued enough to continue reading despite the majority of the update taking place in a single room. You seem to have taken aspect of both Adastra and Far Beyond the World, but have majorly improved upon those absolutely dogshit games by making the MC actually intelligent and not a piece of stiff cardboard. Amazing. 

Now on to the critical side of things (And for those idiots who think being critical of something you enjoyed is a bad thing, you need to grow the fuck up). 

The grammar and punctuation, spelling and syntax is at times fucking awful. The formatting of the VN itself needs a shit ton of work put into it. There were times were no name came up for dialogue, and other times where the wrong name came up. I don't particularly like the direction the VN is going in either. Romance furry VNs are so oversaturated and they get very boring after awhile. 

Overall, I enjoyed this VN quite a bit. I'll leave a link to my series on the VN:


I agree with you on almost everything, just I would not say its "fucking awful" a bit of an overstatement, but it's true that sometimes some things are out of the box but it still was pretty easy to understand what was happening (and I'm not even an English native). for the direction it is taking, I think it's a matter of taste there, I honestly like it but mostly because I'm into romance but at least is not random romance (i mean there is no romance yet which makes sense given the circumstance) and the fact the MC actually has a brain (as you said) help a lot so yeah


While being able to criticize things you enjoy is important, and I think you do a fine job of it here, would it not also be helpful to point out these grammatical errors?


theres already a post about the grammatical errors

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Criticism is welcome, but you dont need to be rude and ignorant to give your OPINION, just like its absolutely unnecessary to disregard something to praise something else.

Do not take your opinion on something as the absolute truth. Its fine if you do not like those VNs, but insulting them (and everyone involved) is pretty stupid and childish of you, specially when they are between the top furry VNs and are used as the high quality standard and influence so many others.

Being an ass while doing a "hot take" is not cOol, get off your high horse and grow up.