I heard about this on a recent episode of the AP podcast "These Silent Secrets" and was immediately interested. I liked the gesture of including some consideration of asexuality in the Monsterhearts 2 book, but it did feel a little underdeveloped maybe, so I was really happy to see some rules written by and for people under the ace/aro umbrella.
I've literally read it through once, but the immediate thoughts are:
- the demi rules are inspired! I read it and was like "huh, well ofc that's how it would work!" - the mark of truly great design
- the ace rules in particular (the bit I relate to personally) were kind of uncomfortable to read and I loved that. It really captures the "thanks, I hate it" nature of being flirted with.
- the new skins are really intriguing; the Visitor and the Vampyr in particular stood out.
- the glossary at the back is great and will be really helpful when playing in games with allosexual players and characters.
Overall, this is fantastic supplement and well worth the price!