Easily one of my favorite games of the jam! The story managed to suck me in and the character work is nicely done. The amount of config options is super impressive and really helps to customize the experience, a lot of turn based RPGs fall into the trap of feeling stale quickly but the amount of options help this to stay fresh! The little conversations in battle like with the haunted armor in chapter 2 were fun as well, it helps to add depth to the characters and situation.
Here's a few suggestions:
1) Right click to close a menu feels strange. I'm not sure I've seen a game do that before, it took me a while to figure out.
2) The red outline on the edge of movement feels like it should be the limit of where you can move to rather then inaccessible spaces.
3) Chapter 3 lets you select the Allies but not control them which felt super confusing. I recommend giving them a different select thing (such as seeing stats but not movement range). Also some sort of highlight around your party to know who you can move would be nice.
4) When skipping a battle scene (like when one characters runs up and attacks another) some sort of summary should pop up, maybe floating numbers above the characters showing the amount of damage done. I did see a floating number option in the config options but I feel like something should still show when you skip a scene.
Overall an incredible game! I can't wait to see what you do with it going forward!