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Promising alpha, made my Halloween a bit more fun. Mansion 2 was particularly cool, had the coolest sequences. Though it confused me at first the locker teleporters in that level, yknow how it changes which 2 it teleports you between depending on where you are in the level or how much you actually did. I reflexively assumed it would be a hiding mechanic, so it was actually my first instinct, causing me to skip some of the area at first. And because the unlocked door in that room is the end trigger of the chase sequence that moves your camera and teleports your character TO that room, led to a bit of confusion over what was happening.

I don't know if I really completed it or Mansion 1 though. I got to the part with the chair you can sit in, tried to get back up, got stuck clipping into it. Because you could drink in that chair I assumed the fact that my character was relaxing meant I reached the end. In Mansion 1 I got to the room with the TV and wasn't sure what to do, and since the loading screen clarifies its intended as a feature test I wasn't sure if there would *be* an ending or if I would just reach a dead end.

The tease for a "Ms. Anthrope" character in the feature demonstration coming in a future build sounds nice, and the amount of teleport triggers reserved for future builds seems promising. I would ask though if there's intentions to add more animations like the one for the "destroy your pamps" button in actual stages later on. The props and environments are very nice, and the mechanics for the game are a very solid foundation. But admittedly I am hoping for a bit more scenes of fetish content happening later on.


(1 edit) (+2)

I'm actually still heavily tweaking that mansion stage and just added a proper reward for getting to the end in alpha 1.1 and removed that alpha 1.0 chair that hasn't been adjusted for changes I made to the player's character size.  There actually was a hiding locker by the blindfolded lynx on that stage. But I took it out since the AI behaved a bit iffy when you hid in it. There is still a dark spot you can hide from that blindfolded lynx in that area.

We will be adding a bunch more kink stuff in the upcoming builds, but the focus was on the game foundation and the look of the game for this initial alpha build.

I am super excited to see where you go with it, Hodge. Thus far the game itself feels amazing!