I forgot itch doesn’t show the game description on jam entry pages so I copied and pasted the instructions below
How to Play
This is a first person stealth game
The goal is to kill as many enemies as possible with as few detections as possible while collecting valuables hidden around the map.
The game is very unfinished and I had no time to playtest so it’s either extremely easy or extremely difficult. Either way, I didn’t have time to add a win condition, so the only way to see your score is to die :)
WASD to move
Left Click to Attack
Hold Right click to stick to a wall with grappling hook
Space to jump.double jump
Jump onto a ledge to vault onto it
Shift to sprint
C to crouch
F to collect valuables
** Visibility Mechanic**
The eyeball on the bottom right of the screen shows how visible you are based on the lighting. Unfortunately the lighting is broken so the eye doesn’t open and close where you’d expect it to. Also I didn’t have time to balance the speed at which enemies detect you so to play it safe, just try to stay out of the enemies line of sight whenever possible