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A member registered Oct 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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That was great! You really nailed down the presentation and the 90s feel. The gameplay was fun when you’re going fast, but when you have to make a sharp turn and you lose a lot of speed, it feels really unsatisfying.

I don’t know if it’s because I was using a keyboard instead of a gamepad, but turning felt a bit awkward, like sometimes the turns would be really sharp, other times not sharp enough, and it was just difficult to follow along the track.

Another thing, I noticed that when the AI gets a lead, it’s almost impossible to catch up if you make a mistake.

Overall though, this was very well done and with a little bit of polish you could turn this into a very exciting high speed racer

You made a lot of levels in 2 weeks, well done.

My main issue with the game was the weird perspective made it difficult to land on platforms. It was really hard to tell how far away things were. Also the hitboxes for the enemies were too big compared to the sprites I think.

I think this is the only game that successfully fit all the themes of the jam. Very interesting little puzzle game, I wish there was more to it since it seems like you planned for a lot more levels considering all the mechanics you managed to implement.

Great job making this all in 2 weeks

This is basically Depressing Taxi

I loved the graphics and atmosphere, very well done

That was awesome! I loved the character art and animations, the sound effects, and the combat mechanics.

I liked the music, but I don’t think it fit the game very well. I think a more up beat and less serious theme would have worked better with the cartoony graphics and hack and slash gameplay.

Also, the environment art was a little lacking in detail, mainly just the textures. The colors just didn’t match the bright and cheery character designs IMO. It made me feel like I was just running through empty quiet corridors instead of some alien world.

The fighting was very fun but I feel like it was missing some sort of reward system for the player. After a while, combat started to feel pointless since I could just run past enemies. A scoring system would really liven up the gameplay, and if you could implement some sort of combo system like DMC, it would really encourage players to try to pull off long combos.

Another thing is maybe let the player know when the enemy is dead so they don’t end up juggling them infinitely, like tint the enemy red as they take more damage.

Overall though, this is one of the best games I’ve played so far in the jam, and I hope you continue to develop it because it has a lot of potential.

That was great! The gameplay was very simple but it controlled well and was some good fun for a few minutes. I love the Megaman Legends/64 look and the audio was great! Seriously the sound effect for shooting actually made the game more fun to play

WOW that was something. I have no idea how you managed to make all of this in 2 weeks, but it was very enjoyable and almost felt like a complete game.

The skeletons dancing away from you is hilarious although, when combined with the lack of sound effects made the combat feel unsatisfying. No lock on is fine, but tying hit detection to the position of the weapon made it hard to place hits on enemies, especially the rats.

I loved the level design, the music, and the overall presentation. It truly felt like a souls game and I absolutely love souls games. I really wanted to dive into it further but it was way too short.

I really hope you develop this further into a full game.

Also what the hell was that last boss fight? A headless suit of armor running blindly around an arena randomly shrinking and growing? Was that a glitch or intentional? Either way it was definitely interesting and totally unexpected

The graphics looked awesome, very unique look and feel.

I couldn’t figure out what to do though. I found some crystals and the gun, and killed the mimics/spider things and then I was just stuck in a labyrinth. I ran all over the place and I couldn’t figure out where to go. Is there a way to open those blast doors? Everywhere I went was a dead end

That was awesome! The graphics, music, and overall presentation are top notch, by far the best I’ve seen so far.

The gameplay was really hectic and seemed difficult at first, but after a few rounds it started to make more sense.

I think you should clarify that the balance is meter only moves significantly when you miss notes. I noticed that if I just focused on hitting notes, I barely needed to move the balance meter.

I couldn’t figure out if the size of the friend shadow had any effect on the resulting friend type. I played for a while and almost maxed out the book, but it took me a long time to find any food or houses.

I beat it!

That was really confusing though, I think some instructions would have helped. I couldn’t figure out how to open the castle doors so I just glitched over the walls.

Obviously the game needs a lot of polish but the fact that you made it with Blender Game Engine gets massive props from me

That was fun! The headshot mechanic made killing zombies really satisfying and the sound effects and graphics created a cool creepy atmosphere. The voice acting was a little dispassionate though lmao

One thing that could be improved is the visibility. The darkness and the low precision shader made it really hard to see zombies, especially their head and limbs. It took me a while to notice you could shoot limbs off because of the poor visibility.

Also, since the robot says their scanners have picked up survivors, it would make sense to give the player some hint that guides them to the survivors. Maybe a handheld device like a compass that points to the closest survivor, or a minimap or something.

The graphics looked nice and the presentation was very cinematic. The sound effects and music conveyed the underwater feeling very well.

The invisible walls underwater were pretty jarring though. locking the player to a fixed path in such an open environment felt strange and made it more confusing than it should have since I didn’t know what areas were blocked off. It took me a while to realize I could swim over the boat to the last shrimp. I assumed there would be an invisible wall there too and ignored that path a few times.

I liked the dark twist the game took at the end

Thanks for reminding me the Jam page was separate from the main game page. I just pasted the instructions in a comment here for future players.

The is basically just a stealth game where the goal is to kill all the enemies. There’s a light sensor that doesn’t work properly (the eye in the bottom right should open when in light), and theres an MGS style alert system that does work, but I didn’t have time to test the values which makes it feel both too easy and too difficult. Enemies spot you very quickly but also lose interest very quickly

I forgot itch doesn’t show the game description on jam entry pages so I copied and pasted the instructions below

How to Play

This is a first person stealth game

The goal is to kill as many enemies as possible with as few detections as possible while collecting valuables hidden around the map.

The game is very unfinished and I had no time to playtest so it’s either extremely easy or extremely difficult. Either way, I didn’t have time to add a win condition, so the only way to see your score is to die :)


WASD to move
Left Click to Attack
Hold Right click to stick to a wall with grappling hook
Space to jump.double jump
Jump onto a ledge to vault onto it
Shift to sprint
C to crouch
F to collect valuables 

** Visibility Mechanic**

The eyeball on the bottom right of the screen shows how visible you are based on the lighting. Unfortunately the lighting is broken so the eye doesn’t open and close where you’d expect it to. Also I didn’t have time to balance the speed at which enemies detect you so to play it safe, just try to stay out of the enemies line of sight whenever possible

I spent more time installing the game than actually playing it lol

The game is very strange, especially how the character moves. Awkwardly jumping to move up the screen and then falling down while strafing at the speed of light. Dodging the balls was a bit of a challenge though so it did feel like I was playing a game and not just some tech demo which is not always easy to achieve during a game jam.

I do wish we had some more lore about THE BALLS. What are THE BALLS? Who are THE BALLS? And most importantly, WHY are THE BALLS?

I think the game is broken, kinda hard to tell.

My first playthrough I talked to the camel and then ran into the tornado and got game over. My 2nd playthrough I did the same thing except running into the tornado didn’t kill me and triggered a dialog box which then took me to a blank screen. Is there more to the game than this?

I liked the graphics and the giant, albeit empty 3D environment was cool to see for a PSP jam game

I played on PPSSPP by the way

That was fun for a while until it crashed. It’s a barebones tactical strategy game so there’s a bunch of features you could add to make it better. Currently there isn’t a whole lot of strategy though.

Are the levels randomly generated or is the first level just randomly selected from a pool of premade maps? I couldn’t tell because the game always crashes after starting the second level

I played on PPSSPP so idk if the crashing would happen on an actual PSP

That was fun, I liked how forgiving the platforming was since not being able to look up and down was a challenge.

I got stuck once I got to the top of the buildings though. I couldn’t figure out how to climb further up because the character didn’t jump high enough to reach the closest platforms.

Jumping around catching bugs was fun, and the music slaps

I played it on ppsspp and it ran at a full 60fps

Couldn’t figure out how to kill stuff. I just ran around the rooms trying to avoid the enemies until they caught up and killed me. Was I missing something or is that the point of the game?

Ok that fixed it! The game felt very polished, but the fancy rpg systems and menus left me kind of disappointed that they weren’t used. Implementing a full rpg with a battle system during the jam would have been very impressive and a lot of work, so I understand why it’s not there.

I think a simple rpg about the mundane life of a cat would be cool though if you ever decide to go through with it

This was pretty fun, but awkward and hard to understand. I beat all the levels but I don’t feel like I ever fully understood the mechanics.

When you move and jump, the circle increases which lets you move faster. I’m guessing that has something to do with the ghost character, but from a gameplay perspective, all that meant was the I needed to start moving and jumping at the beginning of each level to make the circle bigger.

The grappling hook was cool but a little unsatisfying to use because of how sticky the walls are. I think if you didn’t lose all momentum when you hit a wall, this would have felt a lot like N Game but with a grappling hook.

The level design felt all over the place and there’s only one level where I felt like it helped me understand the mechanics better, but it was one of the last ones. I think it was level 11, the one where you have to swing on the grappling hook to have enough speed to get past a blue barrier in the beginning.

Overall I enjoyed the game, and I think with a bit more polish you could have a very satisfying and unique platformer on your hands. The minimialistic graphics were nice to look at and also reminded of N Game.

By the way I played on PPSSPP and it ran perfectly fine for me

That was really confusing. It probably wasn’t a good idea to make the resource counters increase when they’re running out since the player has now way of knowing at what number they count as depleted.

It took me like 3 playthroughs to finally understand what was going on, and I thought I had it all figured out, but then I realized the resources on each planet are randomized every time.

I thought the resources you find are based on the appearance of the planet but it wasn’t. I found myself in impossible to win scenarios since I never knew which planet had the resource I needed, and the resource counters moved way too fast to survive mistakes.

I know playtesting and balance is basically impossible during game jams, but randomizing the resources on each planet just seems like a mistake, or perhaps a glitch. It would have made more sense to randomize the position of the planets instead.

Gameplay balancing issues aside, this was a well put together PSP game and it ran well enough on PPSSPP with some occasional frame drops. This is a very impressive and ambitious entry for a first time PSP developer, so great job putting it together in time for the jam.

I’m getting a “Could not find executable ms0:” message when trying to load into PPSSPP

That was a great use of the theme! The game was way too short though, I was looking forward to playing around with more glitches/platforming features, but I understand how strapped for time you were.

What little was there was very cool.

I haven’t tested it on an actual PSP, but it didn’t work on PPSSPP. I got a black screen on loading and then eventually a PPSSPP warning message saying the game was running too slowly. The FPS was stuck at 1/60

That soundtrack was great! I like the overall concept of the game, but it felt like it was missing an extra layer of gameplay to keep it interesting.

I think the robot should have taken some time to speed up and slow down so that the player has a higher risk of running over a mine if they aren’t careful.

Alternatively, maybe a close range scanner that has to be manually activated to find mines would have worked better than having the defuse indicator appear immediately.

Any extra bit of difficulty would make the game more fun because it’s currently too easy. It’s still a decent bit of fun though, I got to level 6 before I got bored.

Great job overall on the submission. It looked good and it ran well on PPSSPP

This is an awesome idea that I think you could turn into a really unique game

Suggestion for the future: Instead of giving the player one instance of the object that they have to pick up and fly around the truck, maybe give the player a piece of paper with a blueprint of the object and some measurements. Like a drawing of the sphere that says something like “1/3 of actual size”. If you give the player a simple tool like a ruler, you could add a lot more depth to the gameplay.

Also, I feel like making the player fill the truck up is just tedious and unnecessary. Maybe it’s just because the current character controller doesn’t work well for the task. It might be better if you have each object spawn on top of the truck and the player just moves it along the X and Z axis and just chooses where it’ll drop.

I managed to get to the boat but I only needed 4 of the embers. It was confusing at first, but I was able to figure out the puzzle after exploring a bit. This was actually very fun and well designed, I really enjoyed my time with it

My only issue with the game is the graphics. I get that you were going for a hyper stylized retro/psx look but I think you went too far with the vertex snapping effect, and the lighting was just a bit too dark. I think the graphics got in the way of the gameplay. I accidentally fell off the map a few times because it was too dark to see the floor or the wobbly platforms threw me off.

Also, I think you should make a web build so more people play your game

I think you need to give clearer instructions. I believe I found the exit, 3 blocks stacked to look like a gate, but moving through it did nothing.

After teleporting around a bunch of times I decided to try and find the Minotaur which was a lot harder than it seemed. The Minotaur moves way too fast and in seemingly random directions so the chance of it running into the player is very low. I managed to catch up to it after teleporting and I heard the weird sound effect but then it immediately ran away.

some suggestions:

  • Make the environment an actual labyrinth and not a massive open space. In a labyrinth you always feel like your making some progress by deciding whether to go left or right. In this massive open space it just felt like I was holding W and waiting for something to happen
  • Make all the portals the same model. I kept finding blocks of different shapes that I thought were unique objects, but they all just teleported me to a random spot which was very confusing.
  • Give the Minotaur the players position and have it track the player down. This game could get very exciting if the Minotaur actually did its job. Imagine hearing that terrifying sound and then frantically trying to run to the nearest portal to avoid getting caught

You’ve got a good foundation for a game here, but it needs some work

Very nice concept and presentation. The inverted camera controls and unlocked cursor did make it very difficult to play though.

Also, I think you should tweak the camera controls so that the player can see the floor when they’re on the roof. I found it difficult to see my landing spot a lot of the times which led to my death

Great use of the theme an limitation! The presentation was great and the gameplay fun and unique.

The one thing I would change is how the player chooses which platforms to raise. I think it would have been better if instead of having to aim at tiles, the player had a marker a fixed size and distance in front of them. Or maybe an arching projectile that raises the platforms when it hits the ground.

The reason for this is that I found myself looking down at the floor for the majority of the time I was playing which meant I had a hard time seeing the enemies when they were raised and crushed.

That was a fun short experience. The only issue I had was that I found spamming E to be annoying/uncomfortable especially when it would have made more sense to use left click.

I liked the art, and the moody ambient noise

This was fun but punishingly difficult. The most I could get to was 13. The graphics are beautiful and the sound effects nice and meaty.

I like how the “vessel” or whatever started shooting after a few hits. It forced me to move around which made the game a lot harder.

The control and feel of the game is great! I really enjoyed flying around and weaving through obstacles. While I had a great time with the flying, I didn’t really enjoy the main gameplay loop of collecting presents and delivering them to the houses. It just seemed too simple and was much less interesting than the flying which led to me giving up on the presents and just playing around with the controls, dodging bullets and getting close to the ground.

Now that the jam is over and you have more time to work on it (if you decide to) try to think of some gameplay that complements the flying mechanics. Maybe It’d be fun to air drop the presents so that you have to regulate your speed and the angle of the sled to hit a target. Dodging bullets was fun so try adding more enemies with different types of projectiles like solid laser beams. I think it would be interesting to have to weave through a bunch of lasers coming from different angles, trying to prevent both the sled and the reindeer from taking damage. Something that encourages the player to pull off risky maneuvers and experiment with the flying controls

Some more notes:

  • It’s hard to tell when the reindeer is going to hit a house or the ground. Maybe add a shadow that appears when reindeer is closing in on an obstacle
  • The elf with the gift box was pretty hard to see, maybe add a light or some particles that come off his propeller. I think the problem is that the colors don’t stand out enough. Maybe adding an audio source would help since you can track him with the spatial audio
  • I think you should add some kind of orbit camera because I found that I would mostly crash when I’m making a sharp turn and can’t see what’s next to me because of the narrow field of view, especially with the spikes. If not an orbit cam, maybe slightly rotate the camera in the direction you’re moving so you have a better view

Interesting physics game, I like the idea but I was only able to knock down a single present. Smacking the ball and trying to aim it at presents was pretty fun but difficult because you have no control over when and where the ball stops rolling. I found that I was mostly just waiting for the ball to stop rolling and bouncing so that I could walk up to it and hit it again. If you cut down on the time the player is waiting for the ball, you could significantly improve the game. Some ideas:

  • Increase the friction and angular friction of the ball so that it slows down faster and is more predictable
  • increase the players movement speed so its possible to chase after the ball and catch up to it as its moving for a followup hit
  • give the player a gravity gun-like tool to pull the ball towards them.
  • add more balls so that the player can just move to a different ball while the last one is still bouncing around

Interesting submission! I like the idea of a new Boku No Natsuyasumi style game.

The little cinematics were a nice touch and really added to the atmosphere along with the music, and the bug photography minigame was a great idea and well executed.

My biggest issue with the game though is the graphics. The character model needs some work and the animations are very janky. The colors also looked too dark and washed out in the first area, especially with the solid dark blue sky. The second area gave me squid game vibes and had weird/broken realtime lighting which seemed unnecessary. As for the third area, I’m not sure how the little kid managed to get to Antarctica during his summer break.

The reason I point out the graphics is because I think the look of the game is very important for this genre because it directly affects the players immersion into the world. The little cutscenes, the music and simple goals brought me into it, but the janky models/animations and inconsistent/weird lighting took me out of it.

I know you did all of this in a short amount of time for this jam, but I think you could turn this into a unique relaxing experience if you spend more time on it. Not sure what your plans are for this but if you’re undecided as to whether to continue working on this, you have my vote at least!

Your title is misleading

“Tiny Sexy Santa Invisible Snowboarding” would be more accurate.

While this is obviously not close to being a complete game, I gotta say its actually kinda fun sliding around the mountain in an A-pose, so props there

that shit was hilarious I did not expect those one liners

I loved the graphics and the audio. The whole game felt very polished and complete. Those naughty children were terrifying though

The one issue I had was that the camera was constantly rotating to the right for some reason, but it was very slowly so it wasn’t much of an issue.

The different weapons were fun to use but I think you should add a guide or short description of what the weapons do. At least the last one (elves? garden gnomes?) because it didn’t seem to do anything. The rocket launcher also looked like it was broken because I assume by the massive explosion that it should have splash damage, but I could only ever hit one monster (naughty child?) at a time.

Polish this up a bit more, add more levels and enemies and you’ve got yourself a solid doom clone on your hands. Great job on this

Very fun but obviously incomplete. The graphics are great, you really nailed down the look.

The sled physics are fun and feel like you’d expect them to, but there’s a glitch where the sled randomly stops sometimes though.

I definitely think you should finish this. It’s fun, an interesting concept and I think a lot of people would enjoy it

I love stealth games and this was a surprisingly engaging stealth-platformer.

The animations were really well done and the character controller felt good and responsive. The children running after you was sufficiently creepy to make me not want to invoke their wrath.

I didn’t like the last level though. The ones before it felt like part of a tutorial which was a great way to introduce all the mechanics, but then out of nowhere you drop the player into what feels like an old MMO jump quest that requires very precise jumps.

I would have liked to see more clever use of the distraction mechanics and maybe more open areas with patrolling children.

If you guys keep working on this, I think you could make something really interesting because there aren’t a lot of stealth games anymore

great submission!