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so I watched 'the School for Good and Evil' and... it left a kind of unsatisfying taste in my mouth. It's not that it was bad it just... didn't feel like it really fulfilled anything. It felt more like things just happening, I was never really satisfied or dissatisfied. More so annoyed and confused and just... sitting there wondering whatever went wrong so that I could end up here. I skipped ahead a few times but not really too many times I just skipped cause I was bored with what was happening. At the end these two people who were obviously gonna get together, surprise, surprise, they get together and I'm pretty sure I speak for most people when I say no one fucking cares about them being in a relationship or not. What I do care about is Sophie and Hort. You really just... you put it in front of us and then give nothing. You introduce it as a ship and then just... don't expand on it whatsoever and they interact like 3 times in the movie. And they just what... go home at the end? That's really the path you decided to take with this ignoring everything it could've been? Gee thanks, how interesting, sure can't wait to see more of this boring ass uninteresting movie that did absolutely nothing by the end. This movie is a waste of time, I have gained nothing and I have lost nothing by watching this movie, it's basically the equivalent of spending all of your time doing absolutely nothing.

I saw my mom watching this like- a week ago and it looked strange in my opinion, I watched like 5 minutes of it and questioned what the hell I was was so dramatic and I understood nothing...

tell me abt it. It's not a bad movie though, it's the story that was so plain and nothing. Story matters more than quality so even though quality wise this is a really beautiful and great movie, the story was confusing and felt like "why did we have to go through that if nothing changed by the end really?" 

lol, dry netflix shows always do that, Idk why but my mom likes like every crappy teenage drama on netflix that barely have nothing other then a bunch of drama, love, murder (?), etc in it.......I am a teenager but like- I still watch my little pony with my 9 y/o sister, sometimes her shows actually confused the hell out of me. oh well tho (she uses my netflix account so I have to deal with all her shows showing up on my keep watching list and my dad always asks me about it and idk what to say other then "it's moms, not mine...the stuff that is mine is the anime, korean romance, and the cartoons....")


everyone has their own netflix on netflix but I use my moms because she doesn't use it

Ohp- my mom is always busy but she somehow finds time to go on my account and fill it with crappy teen shows

oof ouch. I watch stuff that I definitely shouldn't be on my mom's thing. You see I put mine on 16+ even thoigh I'm 13 cause that's as far as I can go. One age group above mine, otherwise I woukd be suspicious, so I use my mom's to watch stuff above 16+ like Shadow and Bone which was moved up from the 16+ category for some reason even though it was perfectly fine in 16+ but whatever its fine.

Or inside job

Or bojack horseman

All stuff a 13 year old definitely shpuldn't be getting into but who's gonna stop me. No one, cause no one suspects a thing.

when I was little I  would watch bad things on my moms yt, then delete it from her history...Idk how I never got caught because I would always be hiding with her phone :| (my netflix account is 16+ (cause I am 15) And I usually never watch anything that has a higher age level- I honestly only watch anime with a higher age level, everything else is for younger groups.

yes, an angel

very much an angel....I would read gay fanfics at the ripe age of like 9