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It doesn't show in the short-term of a single match like this, but I see the action economy of limited draw power being tricky to work with in the future. With draw power cards being detrimental to yourself to some degree as well, It makes the long-term buildup difficult. You draw more cards the closer to 'bust' you are, but the other cards you have to help you draw cards also get you closer to bust, gradually feeding into itself. It's easily fixed with some smart tactics, but the ability to discard isn't particularly helpful in that regard. If anything, it's foolish to do in the long-term at the moment. As it stands, the only thing I'd really suggest is making a 'reshuffle' option that expends energy, probably make it cost 2 or 3, granted how beneficial it can actually be in the long-term.

Woof, I just wasted my time making an uneducated assumption on game design. Hope it helps somehow, and I'd love to see where this goes.


Thank you for the feedback it's much appreciated!

I agree with the limited draws, it's a problem I ran into myself. It's one of the reasons the player deck has like 3 different draw cards. For now, I intend to add more cards that allow the player to draw without any drawbacks, they could be, for example, just harder to obtain than the ones that have cons. In the end this is definitely something I need to look into more in the future.

As for discarding, it's pretty much meant to be a last resort option right now, for example when your full hand is awful, or even impossible to play without losing. You may have run into one of Cedric's cards that puts 2 "bad cards" into your deck. This card costs 0 but makes you gain 6 Wgt to draw a card: it's basically an extra penalty you have to pay if you want to draw your actual cards. You can also just not play it, in which case it takes up a slot in your limited hand size. In that case you can pay 1 Energy to throw it away.


I actually mastered the deck for the MC, and he's got some overpowered mechanics as well in the hard mode against Cedric, he uses weight to access more cards and especially in the beginning of the match the MC can possibly get cards that sacrifice weight for more energy I was able to get Cedric to 13 out of 16 hit points in the first turn. Although I do agree with the possibility of not getting good enough starting cards in the beginning to win but it is very unlikely to happen. The body positivity card can also help in a pinch.