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A member registered Jul 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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It is possible with a few highly specific decks/strategies and a whole lot of luck.

That being said, he basically put there to lead to the eventual scripted loss, so managing to defeat him is more like an easter egg of sorts with a few extra tidbits here and there.

The next update will be on Patreon in about a week, meaning it will likely be out publicly sometime next month.
As for a discord: there isn't one currently, though there may be something like that in the future.

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Unfortunately, there is currently no way to play the game on iOS. This is due to the closed-off nature of iPhones, requiring all apps to be distributed through the App Store, which does not allow adult content, meaning it is very unlikely the game will be available for iPhones anytime soon.

The web version is no longer updated (hence the title "Web Demo Version"). You can transfer your save file by using the [Data Management] button at the top left in the Title Screen.

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The android version is up to date. Could your phone perhaps not be updating the app properly? You have to launch the .apk to let it install the update.

Once that's done, you can check the current version on the title screen under the logo.

Day, evening and night.
Midway through, there also starts being another condition that, if it isn't fulfilled, you won't be able to progress with the dialogue sort of insinuating why.


Note: some of these only become available/continue once you progress enough through the main story.

  • Beau is the barber, you'll likely have to call him on the phone to continue.
  • Ted and Darwin are the fishermen you meet when fishing, Ted is available during weekends and Darwin becomes available later during other days.
  • Ricky's in the hospital.
  • Akello is a ranger you run into in the forest when you're attacked by Tom while he's working.
  • Arnold's appears at night only during weekends and Wednesdays.

Regarding Vernon: the deck I beat him with during testing contained all cards obtained in the intro except for Mutual Gaining and Raid the Pantry (don't forget to equip Keep Pumping after beating Tom). If you beat Tom as efficiently as possible, that is to say end up at least anywhere below 30 Wgt (not necessarily using the same deck as for Vernon), and have a lot of luck against Vernon, you'll eventually get it. That said, he isn't meant to be beaten, and as such, I don't plan on locking any significant events behind achieving that. The dialogue already has some variance at several places though, including one of the new storylines added in 0.4

For now, there aren't any plans to add other methods of gaining Odious Zest.

The energy drink material drop was bugged in the initial release of 0.4.0. There's already an updated build on Patreon that fixes it, which should also restore the item in saves where you've already beaten him.

That would definitely be neat! But it would take a lot of work and there's already quite a lot of workload as it is, so perhaps in the distant future.

Could you send me the save file where this happens? Using [Data Management] in the Title Screen and Export Save File. You can send it to my e-mail at

There's some crudely written notes available on Patreon, but I wouldn't quite call them walkthroughs.

If you use it when your deck has 0 cards, it will inflict an extra 1 Wgt.

That's a bug that snuck through while I was working on other stuff! I've just released a quick update which should fix this.

I currently have someone working on a Polish translation, as well as an offer from someone willing to do German, but no one for Chinese so far. It's all unpaid volunteer work though, so it's being done by people who like the game and just want to contribute, which I'm very grateful for. There is already quite a lot of text in the game after all, and only more to come from here on out, so it's a massive undertaking.

That part's just referring to the crafting. I was worried some might miss it by dismissing going to the pub.

Increasing max. weight is not high on the priority list right now, but it will probably happen at some point!

Huh, that's odd. A few questions:

  • Which phone are you using?
  • Are you using the default Android Package Installer? 
  • Does it give you the option to install the "update" anyways?

There are two more opponents available after the encounter in the forest regardless of if you win or lose (it just takes more work to find them!)

If you're having trouble with the jogging minigame, there's an option in the settings to slow down the meter!

The downloads that are available here are the current version, the game isn't finished yet. Once any updates come out, they will be announced here.

The scene in the forest is intentionally designed so the player loses, so rest assured, the difficulty is intentional! The fights after this should be much more manageable.

Hey there! It's made in Godot using Gdscript.

Hello! You can save on the map using the menu bar. 

Hey there! If you mean positives outside of battle, there aren't any particularly significant ones or ones high on the priority list right now. But there are a few things on the idea list! Customizable body types are very unlikely for reasons that will become clear in the next update... if everything goes right.

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Hey there! Unfortunately there likely won't be a macOS version in the foreseeable future, as exporting to macOS has quite a few requirements that I can't meet right now. In the same vein there probably won't be an iOS version for similar reasons.

Thank you for the beautifully worded and kind words! :D Hopefully the next update will also be worth the wait.

Thank you for all the kind words! Say thank you to your friend for me, and thank you too for sharing and supporting the project! :)


For now the plan is that, yup!

Admittedly it's a little awkward since this is more of just a showcase of what I had working so far. Of course, in the actual game, you'll be able to build your own decks and such!

I'm a little apprehensive about raising the cap, since there are already 14 stages for which I have to draw the various sprites and write the various texts. Once I have more time to expand on existing stuff, I might allow for a higher cap, although fitness probably won't be the way to go about that.

I've been very busy the past few weeks, so unfortunately I don't really see anything coming out until late in January. (although I'll have some time over the holidays, so we'll see)

I know some people just aren't going to be into the degradation aspect of it. Luckily each opponent has unique dialogue, so every opponent will treat you differently!

Right now, I don't expect the game to be popular enough to warrant multiple languages and to be honest, the way the code is currently written doesn't really allow for easy text localization. So for now I don't plan on doing so, but I might get around to it in the future. Thank you for the offer though!

Thanks, that is really nice to hear! I was hoping I could put out an update every month or so, unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll be able to do so this month. I'll probably post a sneak peek on twitter or something though!

Oh yes, I've definitely thought about doing something about underwear. I plan on giving the player a few clothing options (they would be full outfits rather than customizable piece by piece), so I was wondering how I would want to handle underwear. In the end I just left it without, but it's definitely something I might consider in the future.

Thank you for the feedback it's much appreciated!

I agree with the limited draws, it's a problem I ran into myself. It's one of the reasons the player deck has like 3 different draw cards. For now, I intend to add more cards that allow the player to draw without any drawbacks, they could be, for example, just harder to obtain than the ones that have cons. In the end this is definitely something I need to look into more in the future.

As for discarding, it's pretty much meant to be a last resort option right now, for example when your full hand is awful, or even impossible to play without losing. You may have run into one of Cedric's cards that puts 2 "bad cards" into your deck. This card costs 0 but makes you gain 6 Wgt to draw a card: it's basically an extra penalty you have to pay if you want to draw your actual cards. You can also just not play it, in which case it takes up a slot in your limited hand size. In that case you can pay 1 Energy to throw it away.