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  Thank all of you who downloaded and gave my game a shot! I appreciate every one of you!

   I feel terrible about all the people who are unable to play due to the rampant bugs, especially the monitor Hz problem because I have no idea how to fix that on my end. I at least hope a few people were able to enjoy it, regardless of how difficult it was to make it to the end without crashing or getting softlocked.

   This is my first ever game project, and it all started out as an experiment for teaching myself Godot. I clearly still have some fundamental work to do if I intend to keep using it for whatever's next (tbd). 

My deepest thanks and sincerest apologies,


No clue how to win the race tbh

There are upgrades hidden around the map that help with this. However, if your movement speed is slow on game boot up, you might not be able to do this race.

Should we expect bug fixes or are you more interested in working on something else? Give it to me straight!

Probably moving on. A lot of the bugs still in the game are there because I couldn't figure out how to get rid of or circumvent them.

When programming, you'll find (if you haven't already done so) that sometimes it's worth rewriting your code rather than desperately trying to patch bugs. As daunting as that sounds, you could very well have some "lightbulb moments", where you realise that the new code is easier to maintain and/or is simply more efficient... Literally to the point of, "How come I didn't think of that before?" and "If only I had known earlier that I could use <insert routine here>!" :)

So, keep the game's ideas and consider revisiting the code... ^^

I would recommend fixing bugs firsthand and people have mentioned them but I find it weird that when pressing E on a down witch and a circle shows up it damages you. Also would add in invincibility frames after getting hit 

Swogrider, this game is amazing. I had some bugs myself, but once I got the game to run at regular speed and movement I had a TON of fun with this. Especially the final boss. You must have worked hard on that.

I like the game's concept. However, I won't be completing it any time soon as the character disappears at some point after taking down an enemy and pressing 'e' to have it "taken away". I'd forgive such a bug if there was a save feature...

this is decently well made first game,  if you want you can msg me on twitter (same name) and I can help you fix some of the bugs or give feed back on systems and concepts. I know it is a bit random but I have been coding in godot for multiple years now.

(4 edits)

And thank you for makeing a fun short game and a good job on your first game!
After putting my monitor refresh rate to 60 Hz the game ran pretty much without any issues.
I did however stumbled upon one crash and that was me pressing E on the wheat in the upper right portion of the map when trying to look for secret things to interact with if there were any ^_^'

i do have one question though about the end so... if the disciple implodes upon reaching negative breast size... 
does that mean the Goddess of Breasts did the opposite and go boom?

please help me! I want to play but I cannot install the game

windows 10