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(2 edits)

Congratulation on your win! I made it a bit harder on purpose since i don't have world 3 (last world) yet, the original rouge game was hard so i wanted to match that too ^^

The way attack work is that it will cap itself of its sequence, so it won't do the same attack "card" twice, had a discussion with a friend about this, its mainly to prevent "infinite" loop of attacks if the stack gets to high, i will add a visual effect to used card's so its easier to follow, haven't had time yet.

Plate armor was one of the most OP items during the first version of the game after the Game Jam, so i nerfed it quite a bit since i didn't know how to balance it, but now i have more effects and possibility so its good that you bring that item up, i agree about the use reset on armor, it's basically how i play as well.

You where playing Samurai, he is a ticky character and a bit of a gamble at start, good job! He has ambidextrous, meaning he is two right-handed, the Necronomicon is a left handed item (Off-hand) so he cant use it. Hope you get it on another character tho in the future (Not Sorcerer, she lacks a second hand), having that and the Blueprint really leaves it up to the chance.

Might add blessings for growing hands tho...