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A member registered Dec 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is the first game in 18y my wife actually played and liked, she sat for 3h last night min-max (without knowing what min-max is) just to get "one more animal".

ofc, now i feel stupid XD

Love it, wish i could cancel an attack tho since i drag them to see the area of effect.

Reminds me of Super Meat Boy ^^

Its the WebGL loading, just wait a few seconds for it to load and you can play.

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Sorry, i am a bit confused since recoloring is allowed, but you say as is now, do you mean recolor in the game engine sort of at run time, or can we still edit in a paint tool to change the colors?

I sort of got stuck in development when i made this, tried to overcomplicate supply and demand between villagers and tried to add to many things, might revisit it later, currently focusing on Dice Hero. But once that game is fully released, i am not sure what the next project will be, might open this up again, got lots of new experience i can put into this game for improvements.

Thanks for the super detailed report. This helps me improve the game a lot. Your suggestions are really good to, will try to see what I can do with Sorcerers Blessing, I still want it to have two abilities with synergy, but as you show, it's clearly broke.

What do you think of changing them to only be effected by the first roll?

Love the idea with the Gold Pot item status, so will definitely add that.

Also, thanks for all the bug reports. It will help improve my game a lot, I think I need add into Precision that it may stack multiple times, ex if you have 150, you have 100% chance for double and then 50% chance for double again, this was somewhat hard to do when I added it, but now you sort of broke my game, and I am thankful for it, its mainly due to the starting blessings with the endurance, so might rethink Endurance again or just rework the start blessings.

I haven't updated the Itch version of this game for a while, will fix an update soon, its mainly due to some features from Steam i am using that will crash the game if i publish the game on Itch.

It's a bug, has been fixed for the next patch, thanks for taking your time to help improve the game.

This is an great idea and i sort of already have the code for it from the Enemy Attacks. Thanks for the feedback! The problem with that code is only that Σ = 10 on Arrow will try to use as many die as possible since that mechanic is mainly used with N, so will need to modify some depending on use case.

Its in my backlog, will add it soon, gonna make different borders for different dice. I understand the frustration, i have had this scenario too when i have plaid.

Added in the latest build a speedup setting :)

Just crank that up and it will go much faster.

I missed this reply, thanks for sharing your ideas. I agree, the elven bow is OP in the right conditions, but i don't want to remove that combo, instead making something that the player won't expect instead, gonna add more end bosses on each world too so the Bow + Ring and +5 Strength Combo might not be the best solution. Had an idea to add "Curses" or something on items and dice that triggers when a player use them.

I have been planning a ladder progression where the player unlocks new difficulty settings that they can combine to make it harder, nice idea for a score system, didn't think of that one and it would be an great addition to the difficulty settings once i add that, making the score higher with more modifiers.

I sometimes get idea dry so if you have more, you won't bore me, even if it does not completely fit my direction it may still be a super good inspiration to spin off on.

Thanks for the feedback!

To be honest, i just wing it, i make this on the free time after family (got 3 kids) and job (fulltime), i feel i need more enemies and events in both world but mostly in world 2 (diversity), the third world will be a classic "Void World" where anything goes and i will ramp up the difficulty even more. But its easy to make a hard game, its hard to make a hard game fun, so i need to tinker on it for a while. My plan is to be finished before the GMTL GameJam 2023 because by then, i have worked on it for a year and that's my goal.

I am open for feedback when it comes to game mechanics and content, if the feedback "fit" i most likely will use it, if it dont, i might use it as inspiration to make it "fit".

Some friends says i should put the World 3 version on steam and keep the free version as a demo, but i am not sure about that.

Thanks for the report, i have investigated it and i think i found the problem, will fix it asap. Sorry that it ruin your run, seemed like a really good build. When i tested i made the mistake to set my ring to the last upgrade so i could only do your combo once but i notice a lag spike on every action after i transformed the bow/arrow so i bet it's something there. XD 

I haven't succeeded with sorcerer, i know my brother manage to do it but i don't know what his build looked like.

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Congratulation on your win! I made it a bit harder on purpose since i don't have world 3 (last world) yet, the original rouge game was hard so i wanted to match that too ^^

The way attack work is that it will cap itself of its sequence, so it won't do the same attack "card" twice, had a discussion with a friend about this, its mainly to prevent "infinite" loop of attacks if the stack gets to high, i will add a visual effect to used card's so its easier to follow, haven't had time yet.

Plate armor was one of the most OP items during the first version of the game after the Game Jam, so i nerfed it quite a bit since i didn't know how to balance it, but now i have more effects and possibility so its good that you bring that item up, i agree about the use reset on armor, it's basically how i play as well.

You where playing Samurai, he is a ticky character and a bit of a gamble at start, good job! He has ambidextrous, meaning he is two right-handed, the Necronomicon is a left handed item (Off-hand) so he cant use it. Hope you get it on another character tho in the future (Not Sorcerer, she lacks a second hand), having that and the Blueprint really leaves it up to the chance.

Might add blessings for growing hands tho...

Fixed now, damn this got me stressed XD

Thanks for reporting, this did not occur in the game engine when i tested but as you say, it does occur in the web version, will investigate and fix it asap. Thanks for reporting!

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Got this reported to me before aswell but i can't replicate it since it only happens sometimes, if it ever happened again, please tell me what you did on the previous run, that might affect it and not reset it properly.

Will need to investigate this, sounds like something is covering it for some reason..

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the one I pushed today? :O

Edit; Just saw your other post. Will reply there..

So, the way that Burn works is that it sets the highest value, ex if you have 15 Burn and gain 10, you only lose 10 Thorn if you have it but more burn is not added. If you gain 20 Burn, you gain 5 Burn since it set your Burn to 20. Its hard to convey this in a short text but i have updated the tooltip for it now and i hope it got more clear now ^^

Fixed that now =)

Haha, congratulation!

That's seems like an really good build, i don't think i will balance it at the moment, but might do further ahead. Just picking the Samurai to being with is a gamble.

Will add some Burn items this patch too, realized that i actually didn't have any.. XD

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I cant reproduce these bugs, can you explain where and what you have tried. Can you explain more in depth what you did and what you expected to happen?

Bug 1: In the Character sheet, do you mean that the item do not show at all? You change equipped items you first need to unequip by pressing what you want to take off and then press the item you want to add. Will make this more intuitive in the future. 

Bug 2: Do you mean the X button on top right does not work?

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I have played allot of similar games, Slay the spire, Poker Quest, Monster Train and so on, think i have about 20 or so games like this on Steam. I have also made a prototype of this as physical card game that i also took inspection from. So it's just a huge blend of allot of different games.

The core was done under the GMTK Game Jam 2022 so it was made within 48h so the time pressure made me simplify allot of the game mechanics.

Go for it, would love to play your version.

This is how creativity works and new ideas is created, inspiration from each other.

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Hehe, yeah there is a few bugs that i am trying to smash, sometimes those buggers escape my traps but i will find them eventually.

The current plan is just to keep working on it as a hobby project until GMTK Game Jam 2023, i do have a multiplayer concept i wanna try in the game but the networking is easier to do with Steam since they have lobby and matchmaking system i can use for that and that's is atleast a half year away i believe. The Steam version with Multiplayer and full release will cost but the price will be around 5-10$. If i don't, my wife will be pissed at me because "We can't make a living on free games" even tho i already have a great job. I work on the game mainly on my freetime so development might shift in speed times to times and lets see how far we can go in one year.

It makes my day everytime someone writes here and i can see that people actually playing the game. Thanks for playing my game, it means allots to me. Will come with an smaller update in 2 days i think. I forgot to add items with Burn it turns out so it will be an "Hot" patch, Burn will really help with World 2 ;)

Just notice that i have forgotten to explain the Thorn and Block synergy on tooltip, it's actually one of the first synergies i added. Block prevents Thorn to be removed, but Burn bypass that when Burn is applied to to counter Thorn you can apply Burn, i am planning to add more Burn items. Thorn was one of the hardest thing to balance when i made the Desert Update.

Gonna add upgrade to health potions and the other potions but i don't want a player to just turtle with it and end every combat with full health. When it comes to SUM/10 abilities, a good combo is to apply weakness to yourself so you can apply more dices, it's a risk vs reward type of approche.

You can get armor slot on Sorcerer with help of the blessing Two-Torso, main goal with different character's is to give different start positions for different types of builds, but i try to tweak them if they are too unbalance.

Haha, no you aint boring me, i like it. you have helped me find so many bugs that i missed. It's not easy being a solo developer and cover all areas, so please keep it up.

I might need to rephrase the Horder blessing, its giving you an additional option of picking a new item as a reward, ex when you open a chest.

Will investigate the number feedback on all potion to see if that error is on others as well and try to fix it.

Thanks for your feedback =)

Thanks for the report, found the issues and have fixed them for the next content update.
I will also add more variety of items that can counter the attack + endurance combo some of the enemies has and i hope that will make him a bit more easy. The plan for the Desert was to make the enemy counter some game styles in a way that made the players use a more strategic way of planning. I am also planning on replacing the icons on the map with the icon of the enemy you are gonna face, that way you can plan the route according to your build or switch up your equipment for better counter towards that enemy.

Thanks for the feedback =D

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the inventory bug is due to resizing of window screen, will need to Investigate on a fix for that. But the healing after combat i think i already have a fix for it, won't be home until tomorrow night so can't fix that until then. Found a few other bugs aswell from others too that i gonna fix tomorrow.

Will check the volume sound on idle card to see if I can make it smoother. Thanks allot for taking your time to report these findings.

thanks for the report, i think i know what the problem is, will fix it asap..

Just updated, here is patch notes..

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Thanks for the feedback, the reason you can't go back is so you cant abuse the system, ex you will have to live with the roll of items you get, in a future update i will add more dice variations and that is why the dices works the same way. Hope you can understand on that design decision.

I am currently working on World 2 and it will be the biggest patch yet, i have redone allots of stuff and added new mechanics, i hope you will try it once i release it.

I have ex added new "Text Screen" that is more interactive that will be easier to use than that "Black Screen  text" that i previously had, that will also be used for ending titles, i hope you can take a look at it once it's done and give feedback on it.

Thanks for playing my game, it means alot to me, makes me wanna work even harder on it.

So sorry, will fix this in the next update. I am currently adding in World 2 so it might take some time before its released due to other balancing issues.
Thanks for playing and actually take your time to report, how can i make it up to you or has the sadness gone over? )=