What a lovely game you have here. One of my favorite so far! :)
I loved the pixel art, the level design, the fact you have to respawn at the beginning but not losing your knowledge and stuff (just like a certain movie) and well the story is cute :)
To point a bit some little issue, I didn't understand why you need to hold shift to run faster because all the time I ran. It was a bit sore to keep my finger on the shift button, there is no gameplay mechanic that needs you to walk.
Also why putting the jump on space and not on W ? It was a bit confusing. And there is no grace period at platform edges, which is a bit hectic in order to make your jump properly. That being said I didn't have any trouble once I got used too, but without it it's a bit frustrating.
I didn't know what "mobility magic" was once I bought that, I discovered inadvertently by pressing the right button on my mouse. Again, too many keys for a simple platformer is a bit overwhelming.
You got a bug in the option menu where you can't click accept (I didn't touch anything) I had to click on "cancel" to get out.
The music is discret but lovely, and I didn't hear too much sound fx or maybe it was very low.
I loved the game by the way, well done on your entry! :)