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Corbak Games

A member registered Jan 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your kind words!
Yeah we wanted the flock to continue to move naturally but if they are herded then they will stick together and not going too far.

Thanks for your comment and for trying the game. You can restart the game by pressing Esc -> Reset. But it's true that a hotkey would have been better. Thanks again !

Thanks for your comment and your recommendation. There are missing things but yeah edge block would be nice. Thank you by the way of having tried it :)

Kinda difficult to grasp at first but the scoring feels nice. Well done on your entry !

Thanks for your comment! and well done on your entry!

Thanks for your comment! :)

Great idea! Being tested!

thank you for your comment! Going to apply some of advices from people like you in an update :)

Not bad and psychedelic! I liked the effects you did on rings! Sounds were repetitive but i had fun smashing those baddies :)

Same as the others, I had a hard time with the controls but since it reminds me of super hexagon, it's definitely nice to see it especially under 3 hours. Well done :)

Interesting concept and pleasing to play. Even if the death is quite punishing xD Well done on your entry !

Such a well crafter game for a 3hour......ish! :D Well done!

well done on your score! I couldn't go that high lol.

Thanks for your time and your idea, nice to hear! :)

Thank you for your comment! :)

Well you did well even filling in! Well done :D

Well I killed the boss! :D But what's next? :D

So so...so so difficult lol. I think 5 minutes passed before I could make 10 meters ahead, but that what's makes it fun! Well done! :D

Well when you play the game hard its actually hard lol! Nice game and really cool! The start is a bit slow so it's not easy to get in but once you are it's hooking up quite nice! Well done! :)

I really like doing my own pachinko. It was time consuming lol. I was just putted off by the sounds that were a bit harsh to hear but could manage it with the nice slider. Well done :)

Well crafter little game for three hours, impressive and good gamification! Enjoyable :) Well done! :)

Thanks for your feedback, that's really nice of to have tried it and give wrote us. We acknowledge what you summed up but as it is a simple LDjam it's unsure we would expand it further than its current state. But your ideas are good, thanks for telling them us :)

Very well done guys for your entry!
I did leave a feedback more furnished on your LD page :)
Keep up the good work!

Well I left you a comment on your LD page! Not to be repetitive in my sayings but....Well...where is Brian? :D
Good little entry! :thumbs_up:

Thank you for your nice words :)

Not bad. I liked it a lot.
Although I couldn't finish it and it was very hard to see the fuel cans. I wish you could go full 3D in order to be able to have more liberty. But it felt nice and quite interesting. You should add something that chase you, gets spooky :P Well done !

Thank you for your kind words, It's nice to see that you liked it and you took time to write me. Thank you for that :)
The graphic style were a bit inspired by don't starve yes, although their artists is much more better and their animators too. :P

Actually you are totally right, the guard was here to enforce a curfew because they heard that someone steal things from places (you) so they try to find the thief. They have no clue that there is a werewolf roaming. But due to time constraint we unfortunately couldn't implement enough information for the player to understand what is happening.
We will see if the idea gets popular, it might be an idea to expand it into something, why not. Wait & see.

Thank you again !

Yeah don't take it in the bad way, I try to make honest feedback in order to help people out for future :)
So your game is by far one of the cuttest I played, but i just didn't want to say "Lovely game, 5 star, bye bye!" and not telling you what seem "improvable" lol

Anyway well done.

What a lovely game you have here. One of my favorite so far! :)
I loved the pixel art, the level design, the fact you have to respawn at the beginning but not losing your knowledge and stuff (just like a certain movie) and well the story is cute :)

To point a bit some little issue, I didn't understand why you need to hold shift to run faster because all the time I ran. It was a bit sore to keep my finger on the shift button, there is no gameplay mechanic that needs you to walk.

Also why putting the jump on space and not on W ? It was a bit confusing. And there is no grace period at platform edges, which is a bit hectic in order to make your jump properly. That being said I didn't have any trouble once I got used too, but without it it's a bit frustrating.

I didn't know what "mobility magic" was once I bought that, I discovered inadvertently by pressing the right button on my mouse. Again, too many keys for a simple platformer is a bit overwhelming.

You got a bug in the option menu where you can't click accept (I didn't touch anything) I had to click on "cancel" to get out.

The music is discret but lovely, and I didn't hear too much sound fx or maybe it was very low.

I loved the game by the way, well done on your entry! :)

Thank you for your feedback.
There is some balancing issue here and there I give you that. Sometimes you can by really lucky and find 2 objects in a day, some other times you dond't find it until looking to the very end. Sorry if you experienced that kind of issue.
And lucky you didn't try the post-jam version because the wolf is faster and there is a guard during the day Ah! :D

Anyway glad you played it and your feedback will be taken into account (like everybody) if we tend to extend the experience one day.
Thank you

So I played your game and I had shivers. To be honest with you I'm really scare when I play horror games. So each time I heard the sounds of this thing approaching me I was really scare. I couldn't finish it because well.....I was terrified lol. I'm sorry for that. But I tried my best because usually I don't play this kind of games.

It has a very good ambiance, some collision are slowing you and gets frustrating because you don't usually understand what you bump into (chairs collision box are treacherous lol) The monster even though looks simple is just as scary.

I liked the peaceful voice of your player that finds that totally normal. I would have expected a panicked voice to put you in the mood but it was fun to hear that contrast.

For the theme, I was to terrified to understand what the theme was, I just wanted to run away.
Good job !

Nice ideas.
I did notice the woves head on the background and I thought of "beware there are wolves in this direction" but I processed that as information, not really as a danger ready to come to you. That's why my brain didn't take that into account. But you got something nice here, keep it up.

The graphics are cute and catchy, really liked that.
I don't understand why you need Z to open the dialog box and C to close it, why not putting on the same key? Having too much keys to press on was a bit overwhelming. Also I thought that putting W as a jump key would rather be more comfortable, but that's my taste :)

Also collision boxes were a bit hazardous as sometimes my character was "bumping" from corners. There was no grace periods at the edge of platforms which was a bit frustrating. The camera movement were a bit hectic. And I don't know if that's normal but at some point I couldn't draw anymore.
I thought I used too much drawing, so I playd the game with minimum drawing in case there was a limit. But even that at some point I couldn't draw unfortunately. Don't know i that's normal ? It often happens when you respawn.

Also I liked that when you die you don't loose your drawings, that was nice :)
The music was discret but enjoyable and I didn't hear any sound fx. But well done on your entry, that's a cute little game you have here.

Not bad at all, it got me hooked until the end :)
Also I could finish it without the need of the stool, you can jump pretty high. Don't know if that was intended.

Well done! :)

There is potential to do something more entertaining for sure. But the controles were a bit confusing. The A & D but why not W as jumping? Space worked but the little problem is that jumps needed to be precise in order to not loose any shock bar, so I would have put it somewhere more convenient.

Also it's a pitty that when you touch a spike from the side or you have just enough space to go under it, you take hits. That's a bit punishing :P

It is a good little game nonetheless and I had fun playing it. Well done on your entry :)

Well done! I had a lot of fun and I loved the idea!
But as it was entertaining in its way, it was a pitty that there were no real goal except guessing which profile was real or not. I wished to see something toward the end, but by the way cool entry, well done :)

It has a nice graphic style with nice animation. The camera effect reminds me of Limbo. It is not bad at all.

It was frustrating at some point, like if I don't interact with the ball of light in the beginning, I change the screen and it's all dark, seems I can't go back. And well I had to crash the game to restart. But after I found the ball of light it was okay.

Also the first time I ran off a wolf I got spooked lol. Nice one. But the vision is really small so whenever I get killed I had to restart from the top with again a small vision. I found that quite frustrating unfortunately. Maybe you can restart and keep the light vision where you were at?

Anyway I didn't think I heard any sounds or maybe I'm missing something.

Well done on your entry by the way :)

Thank you