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Do we have any rough ideas on how low it'll be before we get most of characters back? Given usual schedule, and amount of characters, going to assume it'll take a couple of months minimum.

Not an insult about amount of content - considering weekly releases, its a neat amount per patch - but given that combined with amount of missing content in act 3 (between characters and the assumedly-needing-replacing-due-to-character-changes  H scenes), I might need to put off weekly downloads for a bit because it'll be some time before we can really do much in act 3. If I want stuff to do in the game at the moment I'm better off with my act 2 save, which won't need updates to play.

I should be done repopulating the Manor within the next two updates, at which point the game world map will start to open up again, but no estimates on when Act Three is going to be as populated as Act Two, I'm afraid.

This is the curse of a solo dev on a weekly schedule :P Bearing in mind that Act Two was over two years in the making, and that I have to redo every single map scene, all the girls' outfits and some of their models, and you can see that it's going to take a little while to get everything up and running again.

On the plus side, the more I get done the faster the subsequent content will be, so every update will speed up every future update :)

Thanks for reply :)

Glad to hear the manor will be refilled as soon as that, though think I'm still going to have to wait a month or so. I enjoy being able to actually do stuff between events, so whilst don't need it to be quite as expansive as act 2, do need a little more to do first. Happy to wait though - let's face it, your update cycle is way faster than most developers, where you're lucky to get an update every three or four months (not complaining about them either, just stating fact).

All in all though, would prefer having to wait a bit before I play again to seeing the game suffer from over-hasty updates. So by all means glad to see you're taking the time to make it work :)