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I would really just like to see performance issues improved when your colony starts to get too big. Having too many building makes the game start to lag really hard. Also the game seems to have a real hard time loading the grey screen when previewing a building or tunnel you want to build if you are too close to a spot on the map you can not place the building. Main example being on Hyla's Crescent attempting to place buildings near the waters edge takes a long time for it to load and gets a little buggy trying to create a tunnel path. That and the more buildings you have, the longer it takes to load and place a new building each time.

A minor fix would also be the funny looking texture on the loading screen for the winter map with the river flowing down the mountain. It looks like it is flowing over a flat surface instead of falling down a mountain.

It would also be cool if you could do partial designs to the maps such as resource placements for the sandbox mode as well as the arrangement of the starting colony buildings and how they are connected.

Sandbox mode with the Referendums set to Never should also be able to access all of the various policies you can put into place.

Another idea might be an upgraded tunnel that allows quick transport of your citizens to various locations. The main reason behind this is because I love to zone and organize my colony into districts and it would be cool to me if I could put the housing in one area and the farming in another, etc. without having to intermingle them into a mess just so the citizens are close enough to where they work. Obviously the tunnels would be an upgrade that would cost more nanites to upgrade or build, and would consume more power. But the benefit would be that citizens do not feel that it takes too long to get to work.

Also maybe possible diagonal placement for the tunnels and buildings.

Thinking more into the idea of the upgraded tunnels, you could also have a public transport service building that these upgraded tunnels are used for. this building consumes power and can be upgraded to the various tiers to produce more efficient transportation across longer distances. My first idea would be either some internal tram that works its way around or perhaps a skybridge or buried tunnel system for seperate transportation to smaller access stations you have to build where citizens utilizing the transport system can enter and exit.


And while im going on a rampage of ideas i think might be cool for the game, More seasons might be cool too.

Certain map types can have longer or shorter seasons, or permanent seasons. Or only some of the seasons for that matter. This would be customizeable on the Sandbox mode.

Example of a season could be Summer where Solar Output is 150%, Crop growth is 150% but water consumption is 200%

Fall where conditions are relatively normal but storms are more likely to occur. Or perhaps people are more prone to getting sick if the colony has any External Air Intake Filters.

Spring could also have positive benefits like reduced need for happiness producing buildings or just a passive boost to happiness while its spring time. Spores might be more likely to spread.

Hi Timmolicious -- yes, we'll be doing a lot of work to optimize the late game as we get closer to launch.

As for the bugs you reported in your post -- a lot of those, like the issue with social policies being locked due to referendums on Sandbox maps, were fixed in 0.1.14014. Are you playing with the latest version?