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The graphics and sound design are very good! I don't play this type of game often, so take with a grain of salt, but I ran into a few frustrating things:

1) Escape should not quit the game, that's a classic pause button

2)The UI was confusing until I figured out `Z` and `X` were select and go back. I would leave a "go back arrow" in every new window that opens.

3)I couldn't figure out how to attack the snipers, I don't know what strategy I would have needed to make it to the dungeon

Would love to see more of this, keep it up

Thanks for playing. I really like that you made a video.

1. I'll try to change that or add in another way to add a pause button.

2. I should have had an actual tutorial for that.

3. Snipers only move when close to them, so you only have to deal with two snipers when entering the dungeon and the player starts off with healing items. If the player explores on the first map, they can find a secret shop that gives the absorb skill for free which allows players to get some HP back with each attack. Then the last four snipers near the binker entrance can be ignored if the player sticks to the wall when moving.