Thanks a lot for playing and the feedback! The vid is great to have too, for one thing it made it apparent that I need to add a clicking sound when you try to fire an empty gun right away.
Yeah its not meant to be easy, but its clear to me that I made it way too hard for now.
Score is bugged - will fix.
I'll paste a previous response here regarding the spawners, and yeah I think I'll change how it works when they're close to each other.
Also enemies have armor and that one in particular has a high amount, all guns and effects have different amounts of armor piercing so if you used the SMG vs them it'll take a lot of bullets but others can kill them really quick. I know its not obvious at all right now so you might have missed it, but if you hover the cursor over the guns in the UI to the left you can see their stats (AP for armor piercing). And if you stand on top of a dropped gun you'll see its stats after a moment, can also compare stats if you hover at the same time.
That radar bug is weird! For now I will assume its a Linux specific problem, I will probably set up a testing environment for it. Its running on a compute shader and I have changed it since last time, I don't think you had that problem before? What GFX card do you have?I'm a bit hesitant to add things like auto-pickup for guns, especially right now when a lot of people don't pay much attention to the UI (which is a design issue). But it might not hurt, I'll think about it.
At least 1 gun per level, agreed.
Not knowing what the ammo types are called I haven't really thought about, so good suggestion. Will probably put an icon for it in there as well.
I don't think I'll be changing the dash, at least for now. But I am open to it.
The way I see it about the map icons is that you're not supposed to know what they are til you go to them. Its a bit of rogue* design thinking where you'll find out about how the game works by making mistakes and retrying, in my opinion at least. Granted you have to make the process actually fun so its something that needs to be balanced. At the same time having tooltips for different modifiers the levels will be able to have "is on the list", so I'll have to see what I decide to do.