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Played it for the first time so I'm afraid I can't give you much feedback on anything new.

It's a very fun game though. Feels like a mix of those old Flash dirtbike games and Sonic which I'd assume is exactly what you're going for.

Two things I particularly like is how rotating actually impacts your momentum and how the music is dynamically adjusting to speed/lighting meter (not actually quite sure which one it is).

I couldn't really get the wheelies to work on controller. I tried holding a direction on the stick as well as double tapping it but the bike just seemed glued to the ground.

Controls in general take some getting used to but that's a given in this genre with the 2D rotation.

Menu controls on gamepad need work. It should be possible to do menuing using the d-pad and the online menu doesn't seem to be usable with controller at all. For the level editor I think it's excusable for it to be mouse and keyboard only.