Sorry for the delay:
You mixed sonic, excitebike and a 2d skate game almost to perfection. I love goin' fast, I love the gimmicks to keep everything fresh, I love the madness of the 'story'.
I just don't like the artstyle, because it reminds me of those shitty rage games streamers played back in the day. But since my taste is pretty distasteful you'll probably got a success on your hands. You trick normies to buy the new shitty rage game and instead you give them an actual game with gameplay and mechanics.
I suggest to add a button for wheelies, it would make a controller setup possible and easy.
bugs I found:
- in moon base lv1 there is a point where you need to rocket downwards and left because the road is bloacked by some spikedwall, in that zone if you hit the spikedwalls from the not-spiked side you die anyways
- in moon base 2, at level start the long purple river that teleport you is bugged in may points. if you go in near the shore from the left side you can get totally blocked
The Bad: I understand why many don't like the rocket and the gimmicks from moonbase. Personally I'm conflicted for one simple reason: rocket as a gimmick don't build on speed. So far every mechanic was implemented to go fast (speeders from sonic, jumpers, tricks, rails, grapple etc). With rockets you don't build on speed as mechanic so they feel meh; also going though colored rings like superman 64 also don't build on speed but precision. Tubes are fine when used like a puzzle to choose where to go, but loooong tubes are not 'fun' because you don't do nothing while inside, you can't overuse them. My suggestion overall is to think what road you wanna take with your game, because the first section on earth feels like a different game from moonbase forward.
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