And once more, you are so full of yourself that you comment on things that you don't know, first you commented on a visual novel that you didn't even read, then you answered to a comment that you didn't even read either, so you remain blissfully oblivious of how much of a pathetic arrogant fool you actually are, you ride on your big horse preaching your ignorance to people who are way wiser than you and even when they bother to share their wisdom with you, you react like a whimsical brat, "I don't wanna read, what's the point? I know better than you anyway." then you push the irony calling actual adults "toddlers", so I have only one last suggestion left for you because I am also done trying to talk sense into a petulant brat: Take a good look at yourself before you make fun of people because you might find out that you are the actual fool in the room.
Nah I agree with Bluhdwulf. Maxime, the fact you're on here bragging about how you let women cheat on their significant others with you is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. Marriage is supposed to be a sacred bond between two people for life. It is NOT something that someone should VIOLATE because they feel lonely. You are clearly a disturbed individual and I second Bluhdwulf's suggestion that you seek therapy. Because you are clearly making these aggressive criticisms in order to justify your shameful behavior of sleeping with committed women. Oh wait a minute, it kinda sounds like you're trying to avoid taking responsibility for your actions. Hmm I guess that saying is true.
Sigh, why does everyone who answers has actually nothing clever to say? 😓
I always thought concepts such as soul-mate, other half, exclusive relationships, monogamy, marriage, unconditional love for life, to be dumb unrealistic concepts.
I'm not here to brag about anything, I'm here to criticize the hypocrisy of this author, and as expected, all hypocrites who pass around fell compelled to defend this hypocrisy in order to comfort their own.
I don't believe there is such things as people born specifically for other people and a concept such as monogamy only makes sense when you find your soul-mate and focus on them, monogamy makes no sense when there is more than one suitable partner in the world and people marry not because they love each other, the purpose of marriage is nothing as romantic as this, it is actually a lot more pragmatic and selfish, it is to claim property on each other, this is not love, this is possessiveness., therefore you are right, I don't have any sensible reason to feel any guilt in disregarding such an hypocrite concept but I expect you to disagree because you ARE hypocrite enough to defend such hypocrisy, I can tell because, like all hypocrites, you do not defend your convictions with your own arguments because these convictions are not yours to begin with, they are merely "the norm", "the standard", "the law", "the rules of society", that you were not even involved in the decision of these rules, you only blindly follow and defend them as if they were your own because you are too lazy to think on your own, question the sense of the rules that you so adamantly apply and defend, and like many other hypocrites who faced me before, you think you stand a chance to prove me wrong with your reasoning which is not even yours to begin with, you don't stand a chance to exceed me with opinions that you merely borrow from other people when I fight with my own opinions that I forged myself.
You know what is a true bond? A bond that you trust enough that you don't need to turn it into a contract to feel secure about it, THAT's what a true meaningful bond is, not this hypocritical convention that you worship and bare your fangs at someone who questions it just because you were taught to believe in it before you even had a chance to decide of your own conventions that you actually want to believe in on your own initiative.
Moreover, to believe that you can know for sure what your feelings will be for years to come is plain naivety, how old are you that you still believe in fairy tales "and they married and lived happily ever after"? I find you utterly ridiculous to defend such fairy tales' ideals as if they were adult sensible reasoning, I don't have any reason to feel ashamed of myself because I actually know what I talk about, whereas you certainly don't lack reasons to feel ashamed of yourself, which is why you are so aggressive in the first place.
Your logic is the main cause of all divorces and unhappiness in couples, because you talk as if once you sign up the contract, you don't have to do anything anymore to actually deserve your love. You claim that feeling lonely is not a good enough reason to seek company where there is some, which implies that you believe that there is no obligation to take care of each other in a marriage since you don't condemn the lack of attention which leads to the feeling of loneliness to begin with. In other words, you think that love should be unconditional, doesn't have to be deserved. And you dare question MY morals, you SELFISH HYPOCRITE?! Why do you think married women are attracted to me in the first place? Because I actually CARE about them! Whereas their husband doesn't notice them anymore because they consider them their property and don't understand that relationships are just as alive as plants: you stop nurturing them, they wither and eventually die.
I am disturbed? When I am calm and you all are the ones being emotive when you defend fake hypocrite morals? Are you trying to make me laugh? Because you sure are amusing.
Why should I seek therapy? Because I am not "normal" and I need to be "normal"? Nah, not for me, I leave being "normal" to plain boring people like you.
I don't try to justify my actions because they are actually MY own initiatives, so I know why I do them and I feel good about them, only people who don't actually understand what they do because they didn't decided by themselves need to justify their actions, just like you do.
If I didn't take responsibility for my actions, then I would not talk about them when I don't have to in the first place, don't you think? You know what I do because I told it on my own initiative, so does it seem to you that I don't assume them? 😏