Fun game, I really like the gun modifiers, reminds me of Noita. Enemy variety is good, I can see the game becoming better and more complex just by adding new ones. Although it can be a bit difficult to distinguish them, but I guess it gets easier with more experience. Other than that I just have a few things:
- Accidentally dragging a mod outside the game view causes the browser to go to address "null", might not matter that much but could be extremely frustrating if you've gotten really far and do it.
- Bullets from the previous level stay on the screen. Again maybe it doesn't even matter but if you really want to min-max its optimal to go into the test screen and fill it with bullets before entering a level.
- Full screen mode is only a small portion of the top left of the screen, tried it with 3 different browsers so I guess its like that.
- Double click to remove a mod could be nice, not sure if it'd fit with having dbl click to add one though.
- Its a bit unclear exactly what benefits stacking/leveling up some mods are, for example in what way is a Rii better than a Ri? Perhaps you want people to experiment to understand what happens like with the ordering of mods, which I'd understand. Also Pi seems to increase damage but the text says it lowers, tried it in the test area to confirm and it wasn't just the UI. Maybe I'm missing something though like that armor can get negative?
- I wish there was a way to add and remove mods in the testing area, a bit cumbersome having to go in and out while testing. Unless you can and I missed it? Tried finding the (Stats) button you mention in the instructions but couldn't find it, is it from an older build?
- I didn't find any downside to spam changing guns in combat. That is you'll shoot a lot more if you keep changing guns as fast as you can and fire, so just keep scrolling that wheel. For example I'd have one gun equipped and another that lowers armor, if you change fast between them its like shooting both at the same time. I found that the best way to play was to make 5 guns right away and you'd potentially have x5 the firepower. My mouse has a way to unlock the scroll wheel so you just have to spin it once in a while and it'll toggle between all guns really fast. I guess you could do it with a script too if you really want to. I doubt this is the intended way to play though, but it seems optimal to me, but perhaps not that fun.. I'll include an example video of what I mean, this is with 5 empty guns right at the start. For TGiG I wanted to avoid this and its partly why there's a delay between switching guns. I don't think that would fit for this game though, and I'm not really sure what would be the best way to handle it. Unless you think its fine now.