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The game has charming graphics and sound, but unfortunately I can't say much else about it, cause after reaching a code-protected door in the basement, shamefully enough I couldn't figure out where to go. I assume there was some kind of hint for the code, but I couldn't find it, and all the other ways were somehow blocked.

Thanks for playing! The code is displayed on the bathroom wall on the first floor, although in hindsight I should definitely made it much more immediately visible as it's easy to miss currently. Really appreciate the comments on the graphics and sound :)


Ah, shit, I just realized that I could use the other elevator to go upstairs as well. Now I managed to beat the game and have some more stuff to share:

  • I'd suggest letting the player exit the elevator by pressing "E". Cause otherwise if you changed your mind about using the elevator, you'll have to go to another floor and then come back, which is rather annoying. Same thing with moving more than one floor: I'd rather press down or up and continue moving instead of having to exit and enter the elevator again.
  • Bug: the creature shooting at you on the first floor sometimes disappears, but still keeps shooting, so the bullets just appear out of nowhere.
  • Another bug: sometimes when the boss phases out of the middle of the screen to shoot at you, his old hitbox still remains there and can damage you. In fact, after several attempts it kept staying there every single attempt.

But I don't think it matters that much anyway since the game is so short.

Thanks for giving it another shot! Really appreciate the feedback regarding the bugs - I'll have to take a look and see if I can figure out what's going on. Suspect it's most likely a case of me being an idiot lol

Your suggestions for the elevator are great, if I end up revisiting this at some point I'll make sure I implement them.

Cheers again for playing and your notes, it's amazing to get such useful feedback :)