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(1 edit)

That was fun actually, I really like the art style and the music is pretty good as well. I actually like the idea of the stances , and had a good time with it once I learned how to properly block and manage my stamina.

I really wish either the enemies or the player itselft received some kind of knockback tho, it always feels weird when stuff just keep getting inside each other lol.

Also, as far as I recall you made this on Construct right? if so I have some Construct related nitpicks/tips:
- The sword is tied to an image point on the character, but that wasn't really the best option here since when the char mirrors, the imagepoint mirrors with it, so if you're moving away from the enemy you'll have a lower range to hit it. I think what you could do next time you try making something like that is to make an imagepoint on the center of the character and then use it as a reference for the sword positions (like, for idle stance: set the sword X to "Player.ImagepointX(1) - 15" and "+15" for defence. For attack, you could just set the sword origin point a little below it's grip and then you just copy the way you already did here)

-I couldn't finish the game because I got the bug of "Killing too much mice" and not being allowed to proceed, so I got stuck on a level. This bug happens because you may have used a "trigger once" for when you kill an enemy, but since there's multiple of them that can die togheter, you should've used "for each" instead.

That's all, I hope it helps for anything on the future :3 

Hello! Thanks for such a great comment. The mouse issues were due to the game's kill system. To start the next wave of enemyes, you need to know that the player killed everyone in the previous wave. After each kill, 1 is added to the number of kills. The problem is that you can kill 2 enemies at the same time. In this case, only 1 kill will be counted, and due to the lack of kills, the game does not skip further. I did not come up with another system, in my past games it works the same way.

Yep, I've assumed so.

As I said, when making enemies, always use "for each" in the place of "trigger once", and you will already fix 90% of those kind of bugs

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The game has been updated! You just need to reinstall the game. If you like the game, you can try again. I fixed a bug with the inability to complete the game. I didn’t have much time, so the bug might still work. And thanks for the advice, I didn't know that

I just played it again and it seens to be working properly now indeed, this time I could actually reach the last level! But I still couldn't beat it because I got stuck inside pirates oof x)
But no problem, I still personally think this is one of the better entries on the jam.

If you end up needing any Construct help on the future you know you can find me on the jam discord, feel free to call me there. I'm not a super professional but I know some tips and tricks that might be useful sometimes

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Deleted 1 year ago