If you'd rather not have it up there I can take it private again. Just figured others might find the music and sfx useful for their session
Viewing post in The Horror on Tau Sigma 7 comments
they need a subscription to Syrinscape in order to access it. I'm not sure how many people do but it will be there for those that have one. It was fun to make and use in my game so I'd share. If you want to get a taste I could add you to a game and play some of it for you.
I don't work for Syrinscape or anything, I just use it a lot and it's easy to make soundsets available for other users. They can also be used in livestreams if you do any of that type of stuff
Hi, so the soundset is up! Steve, the guy that manages community content says they get you some access so you can give it a proper look. I could also demo it for you via Zoom and the Syrinscape App.
They can also do some promo if you're interested. Do you have a business email I could use to get you in touch with Steve?