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Ah yes, the generation uses a lot of RAM. I am glad the message at least works. When it crashed, did you close it right away, or gave it some time? (sometime giving it more time works, because the game still tries to generate the dungeon). I have some ideas how I can make generation better, because right now I cannot even do it asynchronously.

I am going to make heart windows close with esc.

They seemed to break when throwing normally against the floor but it didn't when I played earlier.

welp, since you couldn't replicate, I am just going to assume it was the reinforced crate, which take multiple throws to break.

Different Crates

(reinforced crate is the one in the middle)

I didn't press anything except for taking a screenshot, and shortly after it crashed.

Well it happened on several levels with all boxes. But yeah probably best to just ignore it unless it comes up again, it is of course possible I was just doing something wrong.

I will keep that in mind, and stay on lookout for that whenever I test the game. Thank you