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Thank you for playing! Sorry you got disappointed. Could you go into more detail of what you think was badly executed? Would love some more feedback. When it comes to the guns, they do need a bit more balancing, but I'm not sure why you think that they all feel the same... There's the Railgun and the Rocket Launcher that play very differently, and when it comes to other guns like the MP40 and Laser Rifle, they are meant to be similar, but play different roles: guns from the future deal more damage to enemies from the past, and vice-versa. So even though the two automatic weapons feel similar, they each have their specific purpose, and are meant to be parallels of each other. They're really the only two that I can see being comparable, since the M1 Garand is a basic workhorse starter weapon and the shotgun is, well, a shotgun. When it comes to damage indicators, I agree, we need those, and we'll definitely have them on future versions!

(1 edit)

There isn't much difference between the past and the future other than the textures, models and guns (and even then, some guns are just parallels to their respective time). About the guns, well; they didn't feel different at least to me, I didn't get why would I use weapon A if weapon B acted and played basically the same with it's only difference being the time period; the guns had the potential to have much unique abilities, for example the shotgun could be used for manoeuvring around the map with it giving you a big knockback which you could use to your advantage by aiming downwards to propel you upwards, or at least have more future weapons have more unique abilities. About the rocket launcher, I completely forgot about it since I didn't use it a lot, my bad. Also, I was rather harsh when saying I was disappointed, I just expected more.


I mean, to be honest, there isn't much else we can do to differentiate the past and the future other than textures and models... Because of the seamless time travel mechanic, we can't have different level geometry, because otherwise the player would easily get stuck when time travelling - there are already a few instances where this happens, actually. We had plans to have an additional enemy type for the future that had to be cut due to time constraints, but other than that, I can't really see how else we could have differentiated these timelines on a jam build. 

When it comes to the weapons, I still don't really get what you mean... All the weapons play differently except for two, the two automatic ones, and still, their only difference isn't just "being from a different time period", they have different proficiencies against different enemy types. The reason why you would choose between weapon A or B is the enemy you're currently fighting. The MP40 is twice as better against future enemies, and the Laser Rifle is twice as better against past enemies, to encourage weapon switching while also having a fast-firing stagger weapon for both situations. It's kinda like Doom, you can play through the whole thing with just one weapon and it will feel samey, because that's not the optimal way of fighting.

M1 Garand is your safety net and you'd only ever use it when you're out of ammo, MP40 and Laser Rifle are the auto stagger weapons, the shotgun is devastating at point blank range (especially against future enemies) and has less spread when aiming down sights, the rocket launcher is a AOE weapon with blast damage, and the railgun is a guaranteed one-hit kill to all enemies except the strongest one, with infinite penetration.

Also, you can shotgun jump with the shotgun! We don't explain that because it's a fun mechanic to discover (and you can also pretty easily boundary break with it), but it's there. The Railgun also has this effect, but its knockback works on any direction, so you can even use it to cheese the platform puzzle.

Yea, that's understandable. I'll replay the game, I'm starting to feel like I didn't experience it to it's fullest and missed a bunch of things.