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This was a cute game. It wasn't immediately clear whether I had a time limit, and if I hadn't clicked the question mark, I might not have talked to the NPCs. (Loved the cat, by the way!)

The email text was amusing at times, though I was expecting it to require me to input choices. Specifically because the question at the start about Timmy's recital start time implied that it was a mechanic of remembering what people told you. But perhaps that was just a victim of limited time?

I liked that there were sort of "fetch quest" type stuff where you had to do one thing to get another thing to solve your problem. More of those would have been cool, and I also would have liked to see some kind of small challenge associated with each task.

But anyway, overall, a cool entry!

Initially I was kinda leaning into expanding the email system only to find out later that the mini quests in the office were actually so much more fun. Especially the one with Frank. I wish I realized it earlier so I could’ve added more characters and interactions. Thanks Jaco! I really appreciate the feedback ☺.