Necro’ing this because I finally found a better way to articulate what I’m trying to do.
I made a list at the beginning of the week of things that I want to get done this week/month
Today I’m tackling some of those things and I have to swap between the two documents to both update that they’ve been done on both so I don’t forget - or just remove it from the monthly list and add it to the weekly list. If I could just link either to the previous document (or even better to the header of that document) Future me wouldn’t have to check currently two but theoretically multiple places to see if something got done. I could just look on the original monthly list and then as things get done just link do the documents (sections) that have the items from whatever new note they end up in.
Here’s to hoping this makes sense now better than it did before to someone outside of my own head. lol
[edited: removed images with private info]