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No problem, I understand your frustration and the term roguelike seems to be applied everywhere when there’s just for example random terrain but it’s like a city builder in reality.

This game is in a bit different perspective to me since I started the development in 2D top down first but changed the camera orientation very early, mechanically it’s still the very same. The tacticality of seeing more enemies in 2D is implemented intentionally here by that turning the character won’t cost a turn so you can freely look around and decide your next action.

I had no intention of deceiving since mechanically it’s 2D roguelike but in different perspective. Gameplay wise it feels like classic dungeon crawlers definitely though.


grid based movement, turn based combat, strategic play, procedurally generated levels, exploration based discovery, run based playthroughs, single character, new character per run.

Roguelike is more apt than any other description. 

a dungeon crawler, gridder, blobber, and so on usually have static maps with puzzles, party management, real time movement of enemies, real time combat, and don't normally fit the roguelike description.  calling this a dungeon crawler because of the camera orientation is a disservice to roguelikes and dungeon crawlers.  This is definitely a roguelike first and dungeon crawler distant second.

Keep up the awesome sauce, this is a real gem!


This is exactly my point.

Thanks, I’m already working on Alpha 7! :)